Seek the Lord and Find HimSampel

Seek the Lord and Find Him



Spending time in God's Word and meditating upon it truly transforms hearts and lives. God affirms this in Psalm 1. Go forth by faith, trusting in God's ways and not man's, and reap the bountiful harvest!

How do we keep our way pure? Will you affirm the truth and power of God's Word like the psalmist in Psalm 119:9-16 and pray this prayer for yourself before you study the main passage of Scripture for today?: "I will guard my heart according to your word. With my whole heart I will seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I am storing up your word in my heart, so that I will not sin against you. LORD please teach me your ways! I choose to delight in your Word more than any other earthly thing. I will think on your precepts and fix my heart on your ways."

Read Psalm 119:9-16. What does David say he has done and is going to do? How do we keep our way pure? What does he ask of the LORD? Would that be your prayer as well? So, now, what are you going to do? Remember that the Lord knows exactly where you are, and He is more than willing to meet you there. Are you willing to change? Remember the man at the edge of the Pool of Salome? Jesus asked Him, "Do you want to be well?" Well? What about you?

Now continue in your reading of Psalm 119:81-128.

Choose one Scripture from today that the Lord is using to renew your mind and transform your heart. Take this truth to heart and bring it to life by believing it and living it. May you be blessed as you seek the Lord earnestly.

Congratulations! You have completed Seek the Lord and Find Him. If you would like to pursue this study further, please visit our store for additional materials as well as the full-length discipleship study Falling in Love Again with Your Lord which Seek the Lord and Find Him is based. You may also find Heart of a Woman of interest. It uses many of David's psalms.

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Seek the Lord and Find Him

Is the Lord your greatest passion? Do you desire to know Him more? This five-day reading plan by Thistlebend Ministries will guide you to a more intimate relationship with the Lord.


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