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Mattha 6

Giein tae tha needie
1“Dïnnae mak a show afore fowk o onie guid yis dae, fer yer Faither ïn heiven wull gie yis nae reward fer that.
2Sae, whan ye gie ocht tae tha needie, dïnnae soon tha trumpet, tha wye tha hippycrates daes ïn tha Meetin Hooses an on tha streets, fer tae be weel thocht o. A tell ye tha truith, the' hae got aa tha reward the'ir gaun tae get. 3But whan ye gie ocht tae tha needie, dïnnae let yer left han ken whut yer richt han ïs daein, 4sae that yer giein micht be on tha quait. Then yer Faither, that sees whut ïs daen on tha quait, wull reward ye.
Prayer an fastin
5An whan yis pray, dïnnae be laik tha hippycrates, fer the' love tae stan an pray ïn tha Meetin Hooses an on tha street coarners fer aa tae see. A tell ye tha truith, the' hae got aa the'ir gaun tae get. 6But whan you pray, gang awa ïntae a ruim alane, shut tha dure an pray tae yer Faither ïn saicret. Then yer Faither at sees whut ïs daen ïn saicret, wull reward ye.
7An whan ye pray, dïnnae keep rhymin on an on laik pagans, fer they thïnk tha mair the' taak, tha bettèr the' wull be heerd. 8Dïnnae be laik thaim, fer yer Faither kens whut ye hae need o afore ye ax hïm. 9Sae thïs ïs hoo ye shud pray:
‘Oor Faither that bides Abain,
Halie be yer name.
10Micht yer Kïngdom cum shuin,
An yer wull be daen on irth
Jist tha wye ït ïs Abain.
11Gie iz theday eneuch breid tae dae iz.
12An forgie iz oor debts,
jist as we hae forgien tha yins that's ïn debt tae us.
13An dïnnae róad iz ïntae temptation,
but save iz frae tha wïckit yin,
[fer yours ïs tha Kïngdom,
tha pooer an tha glorie,
fer iver an iver, Amen.]’
14Fer ïf you forgie fowk whan the' dae wrang agin ye, then yer heivenlie Faither wull forgie you as weel. 15But ïf ye dïnnae forgie fowk thair wrangdaeins, yer Faither wull no forgie you tha wrangs yous hae daen.
16Whan ye fast, dïnnae luk doon In tha mooth as tha hippycrates dae, fer the' mak thair faces luk mïserable jist tae let fowk see the'r fastin. A tell ye tha truith, thïs ïs aa tha reward the'r gaun tae get. 17But whan ye fast, pit oiyle on yer heid an waash yer face, 18sae fowk wull no notysh that ye ir fastin; yer Faither but, wha ye cannae see, wull notysh; an tha Yin that sees whut ïs daen ïn hidlins, he wull gie ye yer reward.
Treysures ïn heiven
19Dïnnae hoord up fer yersels treysures on irth, whar moths an roost desthroy, an whar thiefs brek ïn an steal. 20But hoord up fer yersels treysures ïn heiven, whar nether moth ner roost can desthroy, ner thiefs brek ïn an steal. 21Fer whut ye thïnk tha maist o, wull aye be ïn yer hairt.
22Yer ee ïs tha lamp o tha bodie. If yer ee ïs guid, yer hale bodie ïs fu o licht. 23But ïf yer ee ïs baad, yer hale bodie ïs fu o dairkness. If then tha licht wi'ïn ye ïs dairkness, ït maun be pïtch blek!
24Naebodie can sarve twa maistèrs, fer ether he'll hait tha yin an love tha ither, or he'll stïck bye tha yin an thïnk naethin o tha ither. Ye cannae sarve baith God an Gowld.
25Sae A'm tellin ye, tak nae thocht fer yer life, whut ye'll ait or whut ye'll drïnk; ner yit aboot yer bodie, whut claes ye'll pit on ye. Is life no mair impoartin ner mait, an tha bodie mair impoartin ner claes? 26Luk at tha burds o tha air; the' dïnnae sow ner reap ner hoord awa ïn barns, an yit yer heivenlie Faither feeds thaim. Ir yous no warth faur mair ner thaim? 27Ye cannae add a sing'l oor tae yer life bi worryin aboot ït. 28An why dae ye worrie aboot tha claes ye pit on ye? Luk hoo tha lïlies o tha fiel growe. They nether wark ner spïn! 29Yit A'll tell ye thïs, e'en Solomon cudnae match thaim, wi aa hïs fancie claes! 30An ïf that ïs tha wye God pits claes on tha gress o tha fiel, that's here theday an throwed ïntae tha fire themorra, dae you dooters no unnèrstan that he'll luk eftèr you anaa? 31Sae dïnnae fash yersels bi sayin, ‘Whut wull we ait?’ or ‘Whut wull we drïnk?’ or ‘Whut wull we pit on iz?’ 32Fer thaim at daesnae know God rin eftèr aa these thïngs, but yer heivenlie Faither kens aa ye hae need o. 33Seek oot hïs Kïngdom an hïs righteousness furst o aa, an aa these ither thïngs wull tak care o thairsels.
34Sae dïnnae fash yersels aboot themorra, fer themorra wull luk eftèr ïtsel. Iverie day haes eneuch bother o ïts ain.”

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Mattha 6: USNT





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