Mattha 7
Dïnnae judge ithers
1“Dïnnae judge ithers, sae as ye'll no be judged yersels. 2Fer ïn tha same wye yis judge ithers, yis'll be judged that wye yersels; an tha misure yis gie wull be tha misure yis get. 3An why dae ye see tha skelf ïn yer brither's ee, but ye dïnnae see tha plenk ïn yer ain ee? 4Hoo can ye say tae yer brither, ‘Let me tak tha skelf oot o yer ee,’ whan luk, aa tha time thair ïs a plenk ïn yer ain ee? 5Ye oul hippycrate ye, pu tha plenk oot o yer ain ee furst, an then ye'll be able tae see proper, tae tak tha skelf oot o yer brither's ee!
6Dïnnae gie whut's halie tae tha doags; an dïnnae scattèr yer pearls afore pïgs. If ye dae, the' may thramp thaim unnèr thair feet, an then turn an teer ye tae bïts.
Keep on prayin
7Keep on axin, an ït wull be gien tae ye, keep on lukkin an ye'll fin whut ye'r eftèr, keep on rappin an tha dure wull be apent tae ye. 8Fer iveriebodie that axes wull get; hïm that keeps on lukkin wull fin whut he's eftèr; an tae hïm that keeps on rappin, tha dure wull be apent. 9Whutch faither amang ye, ïf hïs sinn axes hïm fer breid, wull gie hïm a stane? 10Or ïf he axes hïm fer a fïsh, wull he gie hïm a snake? 11An sae ïf sïnfu fowk laik yersels know hoo tae gie guid thïngs tae yer weans, hoo much mair wull yer Faither ïn heiven gie guid thïngs tae thaim that axes hïm!
12Sae ïn iveriethin, dae tae ithers whut yis wud want thaim tae dae tae yersels, fer thïs ïs whut tha Laa an tha Proaphits ïs aa aboot.
Tha nerra gate
13Gae ïn bi tha nerra gate. Fer wide ïs tha gate an braid ïs tha róad that leads tae destruction, an monies a yin gaes that wye. 14But nerra ïs tha gate an reuch tha rodden that leads tae life, an thair's no monie that fins ït.
Guid an baad fruit
15Watch oot fer fauss proaphits. The' cum tae ye lukkin laik hairmless sheep, but on tha inside the'r naethin but a paak o wolfs. 16Ye'll ken thaim bi thair fruit, ay, bi whut the' dae. Daes fowk gether grapes frae a thoarn büsh, or fïgs frae thrïstles? Na. 17In tha same wye iverie guid tree gies guid fruit, but a baad tree gies ye baad fruit. 18A guid tree cannae gie baad fruit, an a baad tree cannae gie ye guid fruit. 19Iverie tree that daesnae gie guid fruit ïs cut doon an throwed ïntae tha fire. 20It's laik that wi tha fauss proaphits tae. Ye'll ken thaim bi whut the' dae.
Tha Loard's true follaers
21It's no iverie yin that says tae me, ‘Loard, Loard,’ that'll git ïntae tha Kïngdom o Heiven, but ït's onlie hïm that daes tha wull o ma Faither wha ïs ïn heiven. 22Monies a yin'll say tae me on tha Day o Reckonin, ‘Loard, Loard, dïd we no proaphesy ïn yer name, an ïn yer name dïd we no drive oot ïll spïrits an dae a hale lock o mïracles?’ 23Then A wull tell thaim strecht, ‘A niver knowed ye. Awa frae me, ye wrangdaers!’
Biggin on tha roak
24Sae iverie yin that hears these wurds o mine an heeds thaim ïs laik a wise man that bigged hïs hoose on a roak. 25Tha rain cum doon, tha wattèr ris, an tha wuns got up an hut agin tha hoose; yit ït dïdnae faa, acause ït wus bigged on tha roak. 26But iverie yin that hears these wurds o mine an daesnae heed thaim ïs laik a gormless man that bigged hïs hoose on san. 27Tha rain cum doon, tha wattèr ris, an tha wuns blattèrt an bate agin thon hoose o hïs. Tha hoose faad doon, an whut a cresh thair wus!” 28Whan Jesus haed daen sayin these thïngs, tha croods wur aa thunnèrstruck wi hïs taichin, 29fer he taicht thaim laik a bodie wi thortie, an no laik thair maistèrs o tha Laa.
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