Holy Week, Day 1—Disciple Makers Series #21Exemplo

Ask! ...for Fruitfulness
Thoughts on the message
This is a parable—therefore it is a story on two levels. The first is the physical level, and the other is the spiritual level.
The Physical Level
Do not be afraid to ask God for big things. God wants to do big things in our lives. Jesus came into Jerusalem and declared that He is King. When we ask the King of this earth to help us—He wants to do just that. So ask. (Note: Be careful here; we are not the King, but we ask so that the King is exalted.)
The Spiritual Level
Jesus is talking about the nation Israel—God’s people. They had beautiful leaves but no fruit. The King is expecting fruitfulness. Jesus does not want us to just look good —He wants fruit! He removed Israel and brought in the Church because He wants fruit. He wants them to reach out and let the world know that Jesus is King. Do not just ask God for things that help you look beautiful—ask God to help you be fruitful. If we ask, He will give it to us—no matter how difficult it may be.
Father, yesterday I saw a fruitful man. He shared Jesus and yesterday we saw the fruit—a man followed Jesus. It was a wonderful day. It was like a mountain that got moved! It is so easy to ask for things that help us look good—and You are okay with giving us these things, but it is fruit that You look for. I want to be fruitful. I want to let my light shine so that people see Jesus. I want them to know that Jesus forgives all their sins and makes them free from a broken past. I want them to see that Jesus continues to change us—we become beautiful people inside as well. This fruit looks so beautiful. So help us show our world what Jesus the King does for His people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sobre este plano

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 21 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus comes into the Temple—and deals with challenges to His authority and attempts to trick Him into saying something wrong. They fail!