Holy Week, Day 1—Disciple Makers Series #21Exemplo

Trying to trick God
Thoughts on the message
This is the first of three attempts to trap Jesus. This one tries to get Jesus to either side with the Romans (and isolate Him from the Jews) or reject paying taxes (and have the Romans arrest Him).
Jesus sees through the attempt and His answer is perfect. Do not be afraid to trust God to give the right answer when you face challenges too big and complicated for you.
Father, I see Jesus using tremendous wisdom, and His promise to us is that this wisdom is available to us. So today, I ask that You fill me with Your Spirit of Wisdom. I know that I do not have the wisdom that I need to deal with the tough situations I face. I ask today that You guide me, show me where I am trusting in my own wisdom, and give me a clear ear to hear You speak and follow Your wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Holy Week, Day 2

Sobre este plano

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 21 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus comes into the Temple—and deals with challenges to His authority and attempts to trick Him into saying something wrong. They fail!