Holy Week, A House Abandoned - Disciple Makers Series #23Exemplo

A wise a faith servant
Thoughts on the message
Here Jesus describes what He is looking for in His followers – faithful in their work as they wait for the master to return. For all the challenges that Jesus told us to expect, He still seeks faithful people who do their work as they wait for His return. That is His message for us today as well. It does not matter what is happening around us and what challenges we face – Jesus told us that these would come. Our responsibility is to remain faithful at what He asks us to do.
He is also clear that there will be followers who do not act faithfully. They will be distracted and start living life that looks no different than the world around us. Be careful, Jesus will reward everyone based on how we live life – faithfully or unfaithfully. That is another one of His promises. He is faithful to all His promises.
Father, sometimes it is easy to be distracted by delays and trouble. We start letting the life we live get too important and Your commands to us tend to be put aside. Not today. Lord, I ask that we all reset our lives so that what You want us to do today would be the first and most important thing on our list. It starts with reading Your Word, listening to Your Spirit speak and letting our words and thoughts match Your heart. So that is my prayer today again. Thank you for the reset! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 23 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus rejects His house and promises that He will come again to His house. Next time He comes, it will be as King of Kings! Be ready.