Holy Week: Betrayal, Arrest, & Condemnation - Disciple Maker Series #25Exemplo

The Body and Blood of Christ
Thoughts on the message
Jesus goes from discussing betrayal to discussing what we call Communion. This is called an ordinance of the Church (an ordinance is a command of Jesus to the Church). There are two that we follow – Baptism and Communion.
Communion is several things.
First, it is a look back at the death of Jesus and what that means for us. Jesus wants us to take time often and think about how His death has brought us life.
Second, it impacts us today. We have a new relationship with God. We are not a broken creation needing salvation (that is accomplished). We are His sons and daughters living life today with the favor of God. He is preparing us for eternity with Him.
Third, we look forward to Jesus’ return. This life on earth does not define us or what God has for us. We pass through this life and it prepares us for what is really important – eternity with Jesus. So we look forward to that time when Jesus returns.
Fourth, we celebrate. We can do it by ourselves or we can do it as a church body. Both are good to do.
I encourage each of us to partake today. Take some bread and some juice and thank Jesus for His death and resurrection, for the life we have today, and for His coming again for us. I use it also when I need strength to deal with any situation – bread gives strength and this spiritual bread brings spiritual strength. I use it also when I need victory – His shed blood has given victory. I remind myself of this truth and I remind God that it is true for me today.
Father, today I take the bread and the cup and I celebrate. I also have need for strength and blessing, so I take the bread and cup as well. Today, release them into my life and the lives of my friends as they partake. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 25 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus faces the first of the challenges of the day on the cross. Betrayal by a friend, abandoned by disciples and a rigged trial – because He prayed first.