Holy Week: Betrayal, Arrest, & Condemnation - Disciple Maker Series #25Exemplo

Peter's Denial Foretold
Thoughts on the message
Have you ever had God prepare you for something that you were not aware of? Here Jesus prepares His followers for both His death, but also what will happen after. He would rise again and then meet them in Galilee (Galilee is about 130 km north of Jerusalem).
They focused on the comment that they would also abandon Jesus at this critical time. Jesus knew it would happen. They refused to accept that they would do it. We read specifically about Jesus saying Peter would deny Jesus, but they all did.
Denying Jesus is something that we never want to do. However, it happens. We face situations in our own strength – and it is not enough – and we say or do things that show our world that we do not follow Jesus. It is a hard thing to recover from. Some repent quickly and come back, others take a long time – some never make it back. Here we see that all make it back – except Judas.
Father, I know that in my own strength, I will say and do things that deny my love for Jesus. So today, I ask that You strengthen my heart for whatever will come my way. Today, You know what is coming even though I do not. So strengthen my heart, prepare my heart for today.
Father, I pray for all my family and friends as well. Prepare our hearts for today as well. If any of us fall, then strengthen us to come back quickly – do not let any of us take a long time to repent and come back. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 25 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus faces the first of the challenges of the day on the cross. Betrayal by a friend, abandoned by disciples and a rigged trial – because He prayed first.