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Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to PalaceExemplo

Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to Palace

Dia 4 de 7

Day 4 – The King calls

Alas, on a regular day, I had just finished my chores in one of the Prison wards. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of horses’ hooves approaching the Prison. Before I could climb up to peek through the main window, there were two men at the main door, asking frantically for me. Could it be? Had they finally come for me? Nah… Maybe Potiphar had now found out the truth about his wife and had sent his servants to fetch me. I would rather stay in Prison than to go back to that house though. Ain’t nobody got time for Mrs P!…

As various thoughts filled my mind, I could hear the Jailer calling me from the door. I almost fainted when he uttered those words: “Joseph, you’re free. Pharaoh has called for you and requires you to come to the Palace immediately …” . I don’t even remember if he said anything else before he returned to his duty post. I was so excited, so overjoyed, utterly stunned … I was finally FREEEEEEEEE!!! I must have stood on the same spot, for what seemed like 30 minutes. With tears of relief mixed with joy streaming down my face, it began to dawn on me that I had no proper clothes or shoes. Gosh, I hadn’t even shaved in well over a month! Those things were now luxuries in this Prison environment. Anyways, all that was history now. I ran excitedly after the Jailer to borrow a clean robe and some better-looking sandals. In a short while, I was going to be standing in front of one of the most powerful rulers on Earth (at least in my own time!).

My head swirled with so many thoughts: What would I say? What should I say? What if he wasn’t willing to release me? … As I tightened the last strap on my sandals, a final thought began to crystallise in my mind; three simple, yet very powerful words – “You are ready”. I felt that to the core of my bones. All of the drama, the training, the disappointment, the tears and anguish, the many years of service (thirteen to be precise!), had brought me to this point. They were being used by Yahweh all along, to prepare me for the next phase of my life, even though I didn’t know what that was exactly.

The Jailer’s reminder for me to hurry up jolted me from my thoughts. After thanking him for my borrowed clothes, I began running towards the Palace guards waiting for me at the main gate. They looked rather frantic, somewhat horrified. However, I didn’t let that shake the confident feeling growing in my heart. I knew that my God had not brought me thus far to leave me now. As we rode swiftly towards the Palace, I was assured in my heart that Yahweh’s purpose was unfolding with each minute.

Some minutes after, we arrived at the Palace and I was briskly whisked into Pharaoh’s inner courts. As I stood up after greeting the King according to the Egyptian custom, I looked and could immediately see the extent of worry and urgency in his eyes. To this day, I still remember his words to me: ” “I have had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it.” “. For a very brief second, I marvelled in my mind that I – a common slave – should be standing in front of a very powerful ruler; and to think that he needed my help. The thought of that almost floored me! My response to him was simple: “I am not able to … It is God who will give Pharaoh a favourable answer.”. All the years of hardship and service had caused me to see for myself, that the Source of my wisdom and abilities, was none other than Yahweh Himself. I would be very foolish to think, or say, otherwise.

As the King relayed his dreams to me, the interpretations were very clear. For details on Pharaoh’s dreams, do check out Genesis 41. Both dreams were pointing to the same thing – there would be seven years of amazing bounty, followed by seven years of devastating famine. By giving him two very similar dreams back-to-back, God was highlighting the importance of the dreams, but also giving an indication of the urgency of the matter. If nothing was done, the period of famine would completely wipe out the memory of the years of bounty. I relayed this interpretation to Pharaoh; and judging by the expression on his face, his response was one of utter amazement mixed with intense trepidation. I knew better than to leave him in that state. Through my years of training, God had taught me the importance of going beyond. And so, I brought that same principle to bear, as I stood before Pharaoh. I did not stop at telling him the interpretation of his dreams; I suggested a solution to the problem – the appointment of a wise overseer over the land’s produce, and a strategy for storing the grain. Read more about my advice in Genesis 41.

Before I could even finish what I was saying, there were nods all around the room. Pharaoh and his officials were pleased with my suggestion. I was pleased myself and also humbled. When the King uttered those words: ” “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours…“I hereby put you in charge of the entire land of Egypt.” “, it took Yahweh’s grace to maintain my composure. The entire land of Egypt?!? Say what!?! Ok, ok… Let’s pause here. When the Palace guards came to hurriedly escort me from Prison that morning, I knew that the King urgently required my services; however, I did not expect him to make me his Second-in-Command. Ahh, it had finally dawned on me … I was now Pharaoh’s own right-hand man. So, this was the ultimate right-hand man position that Yahweh had in mind for me all along. The other right-hand man positions were simply for my preparation…


Lord, thank You that all my days have been numbered and planned by You. Thank You for the amazing life You planned for me, which includes a personal relationship with You. Even when Your plans are difficult to understand, please take my hand as I start each day. Help me to walk closely with You and may my life align with the plans You had for me all along. Amen.

I love You, Father. ❤️

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Sobre este plano

Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to Palace

Ever wondered what it was like to walk in Joseph's shoes? Well, wonder no more! This Bible Plan - written as short (sometimes humorous) stories - will zoom in on Joseph's life, where you'll hear about challenges he faced and glean from lessons learnt along the way. For those in a difficult season, you'll find encouragement and hope as you navigate your own journey from the Pit to the Promise.
