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Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to PalaceExemplo

Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to Palace

Dia 7 de 7

Day 7 – Finale …

It was very encouraging to hear that my beloved father, Jacob, was still alive. I sent for him immediately! God had been so gracious to preserve him so that we would be reunited again. I couldn’t wait! Soon, Pharaoh heard about the reunion with my brothers and also gave orders for my entire family to relocate to Egypt – the land of Goshen, to be exact. He provided wagons and supplies for my family on the journey. As I went to bed that night, I could hardly sleep due to excitement. I was going to see my father again! After over two decades… This God is too good o!

The day finally arrived. Upon disembarking from my chariot as we pulled into Goshen, I paused to behold the sight in front of me. I saw some familiar faces – some nieces and nephews, that I had last seen on that fateful day, 22 years prior. They were all grown up now! However, there were new faces as well – several children and grandchildren that had been born over time. I looked ahead and saw a very elderly gentleman; I couldn’t mistake him even if I were half-asleep. It was my father! He had definitely aged over the years; I suspect grief had also taken its toll. However, he was still my papa and I ran into his arms and held him for what felt like forever. We both wept profusely, traversing different emotions – grief, shock, relief, and then finally, joy. Joy that only Yahweh could have orchestrated. As I pulled away and looked into my father’s eyes, I was reminded of God’s grace. The grace that He had shown to my great-grandfather Abraham, my grandfather Isaac, my father Jacob (a.k.a. Israel), and now, me. It still felt so surreal… Joseph the dreamer, who had become Joseph the slave and the “Second-in-Command” in Egypt, was now reunited with his family. Truly, only Yahweh could have brought this about.

It was now time for my family to meet Pharaoh. I presented five of my brothers to the King, then, at last, my father. God had allowed Pharaoh to be very gracious to my family. He allowed them to settle in the best parts of Egypt. Goshen was located in the eastern part of the Nile Delta and was renowned for its fertile soil and lush greenery - an excellent spot for raising livestock. My family had been blessed indeed! After his arrival in Egypt, my father, Jacob, lived for 17 more years. I was so happy that my sons – Manasseh and Ephraim – were able to spend quality time with their grandfather. However, the time drew near for his death, and I was summoned to Goshen. My father blessed me, my sons, and my brothers. He even adopted my sons as his own – making them part of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and giving them land as an inheritance, alongside my brothers. The way in which he blessed both Manasseh and Ephraim was quite interesting; you can read about in Genesis 48. I learnt afterwards, that it was based on his own experience.

Immediately after my father’s blessing on my brothers and I, he passed away. It was a time of deep mourning – even the Egyptians mourned with my family and I. Again, Yahweh granted me favour in the eyes of Pharaoh; and in line with my father’s request, the King allowed me to go to Canaan, to bury my father beside our ancestors. We were also accompanied by several members of the royal family, as well as all of Pharaoh’s officials. It was a great procession indeed!

To be expected, after my father’s death and burial, my brothers became really afraid and thought that I would finally take revenge due to their wickedness to me all those years ago. However, I quickly reassured them with the words I had spoken during our initial reunion – that it was God, not them, who actually sent me to Egypt. He simply used them to carry out His overall purpose. In fact, it is based on my story that the famous verse in Genesis 50:20, was written: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people”. I continued to extend kindness to my brothers and to provide for all our family’s needs. I lived till I was 110 years old and was buried. Egypt remained our home for the next few centuries, until the Exodus, when the Israelites returned to their own land, as Yahweh had promised. As He had done many times before, I knew that Yahweh would fulfil His promises. That's why I had instructed my family to take my bones with them back to the land of Canaan so that I would be buried there – in the land of my ancestors.

In wrapping up my story, let me say this: I hope to see you in Heaven one day… Until then, remember that God is sovereign. Regardless of how things may seem out there in the world, He is ultimately in charge. As He did for me, He can use your life to make a positive difference in the lives of others; far, far beyond your wildest dreams, if you let Him.

Why don’t you do so today?

I am cheering you on…




This brings us to the end of the Palace Chronicles series! 🤩

I hope you have enjoyed every bit of Joseph’s story; I particularly hope you enjoyed reading in between the lines and seeing things through his probable perspective…

Which part(s) encouraged you the most? What nuggets of wisdom did you find most helpful?


Feel free to share your thoughts with Kemi at The Living Oasis Blog!

Dia 6

Sobre este plano

Palace Chronicles: Journeying With Joseph From Pit to Palace

Ever wondered what it was like to walk in Joseph's shoes? Well, wonder no more! This Bible Plan - written as short (sometimes humorous) stories - will zoom in on Joseph's life, where you'll hear about challenges he faced and glean from lessons learnt along the way. For those in a difficult season, you'll find encouragement and hope as you navigate your own journey from the Pit to the Promise.
