Awaken Thru ComaSample

Things to remember on your way in:
- The level at which you hunger determines the level at which you’ll be fed.
- You’re only going to get out what you’re willing to put in. So, invest. Be engaged.
Devotional 1 - Coma
As we start this journey, much like how Chris started his new album Coma, we would do wise to evaluate our current condition.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need your help to see my life clearly and honestly. So, this is me, asking YOU, inviting YOU to help me see. Thank YOU for desiring to help me.
So, what would you say is your current condition?
Be honest.
Seriously, take out a sheet of paper and pen. Or pause and open up your note’s app (I prefer paper and pen.) and write this down:
“I can only expect, what I’m willing to inspect.”
Then write:
“What is my current condition?”
Note: don’t complicate this step. Just be honest. Listen to the words or thoughts that arise and simply write them down.
Now Write.
Now, go back and read what you wrote.
*If you didn’t take it seriously, then please go back and take the time to write things down. It will help.
The Webster’s Dictionary app defines “Coma” as:
- – a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison
- – a state of mental or physical sluggishness
We are all able to picture someone, or maybe even know someone who has been in a coma.
A hospital bed, the machines connected to cables attached to the body, an iv dripping. Etc.
You can picture this right?
But what does it look like to spiritually be in a state of profound unconsciousness? To spiritually be in a coma caused by spiritual “disease, injury or poison”?
What are spiritual diseases? Spiritual injuries? Spiritual poisons?
Here’s a brief, non-complete list of ideas worthy to write down.
Please add your own thoughts to the list as well.
Spiritual Diseases – loneliness, depression, anxieties, lust, greed, self-focus, addictions, anger…
Spiritual Injuries – parents’ divorce, being molested/sexually abused, verbally or physically abused, being slandered or gossiped about, bullied, cheated on, robbed…
Spiritual Poisons – the thoughts and teachings of others that present a wrong view of God, yourself, and/or others, insults that are said you can’t seem to shake or forget, bitterness or unforgiveness…
Please add at least one item of your own to each of the above 3 different lists.
If you have been willing to follow this so far, then seriously, “Good Job!” Stopping and being serious and sensitive is a challenging exercise but if you’re willing to discipline yourself to do it, you will find the delight in it soon enough.
As you wind down here at the end of Devo 1, here’s a promise.
Jesus said in John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
The promise is that Jesus came to give us a full, lively, and conscious life.
So, question: Are you experiencing this life currently?
Be honest.
Be sensitive to your heart and what the Holy Spirit is trying to say to you.
God has done everything to lead us into this “conscious” spiritual life but the enemy, the world, other people, even our own flesh and mind can hide us, unconsciously in a coma for a long time.
It’s time to awaken.
Maybe through this devo, you say that you are alive. You are thriving spiritually right now. That’s very exciting to find out, isn’t it!? Stay that way. The world needs more examples of alive people. Spiritually conscious.
But maybe you find yourself not completely unconscious but still in need of some spiritual care to become fully well. That’s a good place to be. I’m proud of you for being willing to be honest and inspect yourself and become aware. God desires that.
But maybe you have gone through this devo and feel as though you are in a spiritual coma. You feel spiritually numb and unconscious. Maybe unknowingly, your life has been affected by spiritual diseases, injuries, or poison. Believe it or not…that’s very exciting! Knowing where you are is a great place to be. Believe it or not.
As we continue this devo plan through Coma, the hope is that with God’s help in us all, we will all become fully alive and conscious.
In closing for this session, please don’t just move on and get distracted all day. Please take time to ponder these things and openly talk to God about them.
A final exercise. Go listen to the opening song on the album: Coma.
As you listen, pay attention to where you see yourself in the song.
How does it make you feel?
Go do it now. But also listen to it a few times today. Use it as a tool to remember what we’ve gone through so far.
And lastly, don’t forget…Jesus’ promise in John 10:10.
If we go through this process…life is the promise!
Prayer – God, help me be honest. Help me choose to care about my spiritual state. Show me where I am today and in that, don’t let me forget what’s ahead if I consciously choose you…Life to the Full.
I want your life for me.
About this Plan

Awaken Thru Coma is for anyone struggling to come fully alive in their relationship with God. Written by Doug Pierce, a mentor of Hulvey’s since he was a young boy, this devo follows Hulvey’s latest album, Coma, track by track. We encourage you to be honest and allow the Holy Spirit to help you thrive. You’re only going to get out of it what you put in, so invest!
We would like to thank Reach Records for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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