I AmSample

Are you a worrier, or do you tend to look on the bright side? Do you run through all the worst-case scenarios in your head, asking yourself, “What if this happens?”
When Paul wrote this letter to the Romans, these early Christians were facing opposition for following Jesus. In the verses before today’s passage, Paul asked some challenging questions. He basically asked if the worst thing happened (use your imagination or just check out what he listed), would you be separated from Jesus’ love for you? What if someone hates you? What if someone lies about you? What if you mess up? What if your life is in jeopardy?
Becoming a follower of Jesus doesn’t guarantee an easy life. Paul wasn’t afraid to ask the hard questions and we shouldn’t be either. No matter the “what if,” Jesus’ love is unstoppable. We do nothing to earn God’s love, so nothing we do or what someone does to us can separate us from that love. When we follow Jesus, we have accepted a free gift that cannot be taken away.
Remaining in Jesus’ love looks like returning to him daily. It looks like checking in through prayer and looking to God's words for guidance. Yes, we will face opposition, temptation, loss, and the list goes on, but God’s love holds us through it all.
About this Plan

When Jesus was on earth, there were a few times when he told his followers exactly who he was. For the next four weeks, we'll explore some of these stories to find out how Jesus described himself to others. We'll take a look at what changes when we hear Jesus tell us he is love, he is truth, he is always with us, and how he is our Savior.
We would like to thank Stuff You Can Use for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://growcurriculum.org
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