Matthew 2
Rechokwe Re Bidiy Mo Meteral
1Jesus ye sub mo Bethlehem wol Judea, irel yodla ngo Yerodes mele king. Te ssulay mo wol miril yal subdoh yalwich we ngo tot mal le re gola kofal fis resa bidiy mo meteral rebe loh Jerusalem. 2Resa budoh kasiy, “Ifa iy yalwich we sa subdoh le be mel bo yar Jews king? Hasa wiri fis la hawrel le ye bidah mo meteral, iwe hasa budoh bo habe hasrowu.”
3Yodwe King Yerodes yela rongrong molwe ngo tayfel loh lal depal, ngo wol ila sengal yarmat wol pangaloh Jerusalem. 4Yesa hateyli fengalir panger tamol temarong mo sensel Hatobtob we yesa kasiyar le ye sor bo, “Iya lobosle Kristus be subdoh mo iyang?”
5Iwe ngo resa hatefali le re sor bo, “Irel haplom we Bethlehem we ye mel wol Judea, bo ika meka profeta we re tefa lal babior: 6‘Gel haplom la Bethlehem le ho mel wol Judea, te gel mele ho hartal totol mo irel mekla haplomol tamol wol Judea; bele budoh semal mo irem le iy mele be lamalir ngo ye kekadarlahor yarmetal Israel ka layi.’”#Mic 5:2
7Iwe ngo Yerodes sa ffesangur rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral bo rebe ttey le tor le be gola. Yerodes sala gola mo irer yodle ye llah fis we iyang. 8Iwe yesa fangloh ir Bethlehem le ye kangalur bo: “Ha loh ha bela meri hamayu yalwich la, ngo ha bela wiri chog ngo hasa budoh kangaluyey, bo ngang ibe wol loh ibela hasrowu.”
9-10Yodwe resa chuy le resa loloh ngo resa wol wiri fis we resa moal wiri mo meteral. Yodwe rela wiri ngo resa rraey ngo ye cchehas lal deper! Yesa hamo fis we mo imor yee, la ppoloh mo wol lobos we ye mel yalwich we iyang. 11Rela bulong lal imw we re sala wiri yalwich we mo Maria we sil, resa hasubgudiy resa hasrowu yalwich we. Resa fang yar presen le hoal, frankincense, mo myrrh.
12Iwe resa tefael ngal bugter le resa dabey sera yalap bo Deus sa hagolal ngalir luwul yar ddal le re towol tefael loh irel Yerodes.
Kewag Ngal Egypt
13Wol miril molwe resa loh ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal le ye kangalu bo, “Yerodes ila sa memeri fedaley yalwich la bo yebe limeseloh. Ila chemdah hobe hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa kewag loh woal Egypt ha sala paoy iyang. Ibe yigil sor bo habe tefael ngo hasa moch tefael.”
14Joseph sa chemdah chog sa hasi yalwich we mo molwe sil resa chuy chog bongol we resa loh woal Egypt, 15ila lobosle rela mel iyang yee, la yigil mes Yerodes. Re foru mele bo bela llahloh le katos mokwe yalol Samol le profeta we ye sor bo, “Isa ffesanguwey mala layi mo woal Egypt.”#Ho 11:1
Yalwich Kowe Re Limeserloh
16Yodwe Yerodes yela gola le rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral resa hachepra ngo sa kkel yal song. Yesa fang yalol bo rebe limeserloh panger yalwich tarmal mo woal Bethlehem mo loboka ye harpa Bethlehem, le yalwich mal ka moch ruwow lepal ragir sa bidiy wototol — le sala chichiy ngal yodwe rechokwe re bidiy mo meteral re kangalu irel kofal fis we ye llahdoh.
17Iwe ye sala llahloh le mokwe profeta Jeremiah ye sor ila katos:
18“Resa rongrong yalol sew formel mo wol Ramah,
yalol yael yarmat tetang le ye bbareg lal deper.
Rachel ila ye tetangdi yalwich kala lol;
tay mechal bo rebe hafel lal depal,
bo panger ngo resa rol mes.”#Jr 31:15
Molwe Resa Tefaeldoh Mo Egypt
19Wol miril yal mes Yerodes ngo semal angelusel Samol sa llah ngal Joseph luwul yal ddal mo woal Egypt ngo sa kangalu bo, 20“Chemdah, hasi yalwich la mo mala sil hasa tefael ngal Israel, bo rechokwe re luluwaley bo rebe lliy yalwich la ila resa rol mes.” 21Iwe Joseph sa chemdah sa hasi yalwich we mo molwe sil resa tefael ngal Israel.
22Iwe ngo yodwe Joseph yela rongrong le Archelaus sa liwli Yerodes we temal, le sa mel bo tamol woal Judea ngo sa motog le be loh loboswe. Sa cholop mekla resa kangalu mo irel yal dal le be foru. Iwe sa loh irel mokwe faluyel Galilee. 23Ye sala hasu imwla imwal woal sew haplom le rema sor bo Nazareth. Iwe mokwe profeta kowe re sor irel kofal yalwich we ila sala llah le katos: “Re bele ffesangu ngali le iy semal re Nazareth.”#Mk 1:24; Lk 2:39; Jn 1:45
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Matthew 2: ULI
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