Matthew 21:22
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“And ye sal winʼ aʼ things — whatsoeʼer ye ask in prayer, believin.”
Chunguza Matthew 21:22
Matthew 21:21
And Jesus answerʼt, and said to them, “Truly say I tʼye, Gin ye hae faith, ye mayna only do as is dune to the fig‐tree, but aiblins ye may say to this mountain, ‘Flit thou, and faʼ intil the sea!’ it sal be dune.
Chunguza Matthew 21:21
Matthew 21:9
And aʼ the folk that gaed on afore, and they that cam ahint, cryʼt, sayin, “Hosanna to the Son oʼ Dauvid! Blessed is he comin iʼ the name oʼ the Lord! Hosanna iʼ the heighest Heevens!”
Chunguza Matthew 21:9
Matthew 21:13
And said to them, “It is putten‐doon, ‘My Hoose sal be caʼd a Hoose oʼ Prayer,’ but ye mak’ it a howff oʼ robbers!”
Chunguza Matthew 21:13
Matthew 21:5
“Tell ye Zionʼs dochter. Tak tent! thy King comes to thee, lowly, and ridin on an ass; and a cowt, the foal oʼ a toilin ass.”
Chunguza Matthew 21:5
Matthew 21:42
Jesus says to them, “Did ye nevir read iʼ the word, ‘The stane rejeckit oʼ the masons, the same was made the heid oʼ the corner. Frae the Lord was this: and an unco ferlie in oor eʼen!’
Chunguza Matthew 21:42
Matthew 21:43
“Tharfor say I tʼye, The Kingdom oʼ God sal be taʼen awa frae ye, and gien till a nation bringin forth the frutes oʼt.
Chunguza Matthew 21:43