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Manric Tan (LMPM): The Life of JosephHalimbawa

Manric Tan (LMPM): The Life of Joseph


God’s Favor Does Not Mean No Pain

Several times the phrase, “The LORD was with Joseph” appeared in Joseph’s storyline. Yet among the times it appeared was during the following circumstances:

• One, was when Joseph was taken as a prisoner in Egypt, and placed under Potiphar’s household (39:2);
• The other was when Joseph had been framed up for rape and taken into prison where Pharaoh’s prisoners were kept (39:20-21).

God’s blessings come in all circumstances, even in the midst of our trials and misfortune, together with our sufferings and among our tribulations.

However, if you may be asked as to when do you want God’s hand and favor to operate in your life, would you wish it to be during the sunny days or stormy ones? Most probably the answer would be “can’t I have His blessings anytime and all the time? Rain or shine?”

God is an all-knowing God and in His infinite wisdom, He does as he pleases. Accordingly, the Scriptures shows that God’s chosen servants, and even His Son, Jesus went through “desert experiences” and was not exempted from rejections, humiliation and the pains of sufferings. God’s chosen people, were tempted to give up during trying times, wondering if God is still with them. Nevertheless, the bible says that during Joseph’s misfortunes, “The LORD was with Joseph”.

God is true to His promises, “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5). In the original Greek writing, that passage is written in a double-negative which literally translates, “never never will I forsake you....” Thus, there is an assurance of protection and blessings from Him.

Would you rather have a storm-free life without God? Or be in the midst of the storm with Jesus beside you?

It is always taught that Christian life is not an easy life. Oftentimes we are given a marathon of trials and misfortune as God’s divine process of purification. Christianity does not exempt us from storm; it is the presence of God that makes us soar above the storm.

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Manric Tan (LMPM): The Life of Joseph

Men has a lot of life's challenges. The Bible has stories telling us how to live a godly life. This reading plan showed how the young man, Joseph, lived a life based on God's principles.


This plan was created by Pastor Manric Tan who is a member of the Like Minded Pastors of Manila . For more information, please visit: www.horizon-ministries.com