John 10
Jesus is a leal Shepherd: his flock is oʼ mony hirsels. The Jews wad fain hae taen his life.
1“Truly, truly say I tʼye, He wha comes‐na ben by the door intil the fauld, but speels up by some gate oʼ his ain, is but a thief and a reiver.
2“But he wha comes ben by the door is the herd oʼ the sheep.
3“To him the keeper unsteeks the fauld; and the sheep hear his voice; and he caʼs by name his ain sheep, and taks them oot.
4“And whan he has letten oot his ain, he gangs afore them, and the sheep follow him, for they ken his voice.
5“But nae fremd‐ane wull they follow; for they kenna the voice oʼ fremd folk.”
6This parable spak Jesus to them; but they kent‐na what he spak to them aboot.
7Than Jesus spak to them again, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, I am the door oʼ the sheep!
8“Aʼ that eʼer cam afore me are but thieves and reivers; but the sheep heard‐them‐na.
9“I am the door; gin ony man come ben by me, he sal be saved, and sal gang oot and in, and fend weel.
10“The reiver comes‐na but for to steal, and kill, and ding doon. I come that they may hae life, and mair rowth oʼt.
11“I am the Gude Shepherd; the gude shepherd gies his ain life for his sheep.
12“But the orra man for a fee, wha isna the herd, and auchts‐na the sheep, whan he sees the wolf comin doon, leaʼs them and flees; and the wolf grips them, and skails them abreid.
13“The orra man flees, for that he is but for a fee, and loʼes‐na the sheep.
14“I am the Gude Shepherd, and ken my ain, and my ain ken me.
15“And the Faither kens me, and I ken the Faither; and I gie my ain life for the sheep.
16“And ither sheep hae I, no oʼ this fauld: them too maun I bring hame, and they sal ken my voice; and they sal win to be ae flock, wiʼ ae Shepherd!
17“And for this dis my Faither loʼe me, for that I lay doon my life, that I micht tak it again.
18“Nae man rives it frae me, but I lay it doon oʼ mysel. I hae strenth to lay it doon, and strenth to tak it up again. This commaun hae I oʼ my Faither.”
19Thar was a bruilzie ance mair amang the Jews at thir sayins.
20And a hantle oʼ them said, “He has a demon, and is wud; why listen ye to him?”
21Ither some — “This are‐na the words oʼ ane wiʼ a demon! Can a demon unsteek the een oʼ the blinʼ?”
22And it was at the Feast oʼ The Dedication, in Jerusalem: it was winter;
23And Jesus was gaun in Solomonʼs Porch, iʼ the Temple.
24Than the Jews cam aboot him, sayin, “Hoo lang dae ye keep us in a swither? Gin ye be the Christ, lat us ken plainly!”
25Jesus answerʼt, “I tellʼt ye, and ye wadna believe; the #10:25 The great warks that he did — mair nor ony man ever did — aither pruved that he was mair favorʼt oʼ God than ony man afore him, or that he was Divine. In aither case, they soud hae believed the words oʼ ane sae plainly up‐hauden oʼ God! Gin ye tak in ae truth aboot Christ, it wull lead ye to mair!ferlies that I dae in my Faitherʼs name, bear witness oʼ me.
26“But ye believe‐na, for that ye arena oʼ my sheep.
27“My sheep hear my voice, and I ken them, and they follow me.
28“And I wull gie Eternal Life to them, and nane sal rive them oot oʼ my haun.
29“My Faither, wha has gien them to me, is michtier nor I, and nane is fit to rive them oot oʼ my Faitherʼs haun.
30“I and my Faither are ane.”
31The Jews gatherʼt up stanes to stane him.
32Jesus answerʼt them, “Mony are the gude warks I hae schawed ye frae my Faither; for whilk oʼ thae dae ye stane me?”
33The Jews answerʼt, and quoʼ they, “For nae gude wark div we stane ye! but for blasphemin; and for that ye, a man, are makin yersel God!”
34Jesus answerʼt, “Isʼt no putten doon iʼ yere Law, ‘I said ye are gods?’
35“Gin he caʼd them gods, till wham the word oʼ God cam — and the Scriptur isna to be broken —
36“Say ye oʼ him the Faither consecrates, and sends into the warld, ‘Ye blaspheme!’ for that I said, ‘I am the Son oʼ God?’
37“Gin I div‐na the works oʼ my Faither, dinna believe me!
38“But gin I div them — eʼen gin ye believe‐na me, believe the warks! sae ye may ken and may believe that the Faither is in me, and I am in the Faither!”
39Than they ettled again to grip him; but he gaed forth oot oʼ their haun,
40And gaed awa again ayont the Jordon, to the place whaur John was at first bapteezin: and he bade thar.
41And mony folk cam till him; and quoʼ they, “John schawed nae ferlies; but aʼ things that John spak aboot this man war true!”
42And mony believed on him thar.
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John 10: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.