Yochanan 5

1After these things, there was a Chag (Feast) in Yehudah and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went up to Yerushalayim.
2Now there is in Yerushalayim at the Sha'ar HaTzon (Sheepgate)#5:2 Neh 3:1,32; 12:39 a pool, the one being called in Aramaic, Beit-Zata, having chamasha colonnades. 3In these lay a multitude of invalids — ivrim (blind men), pisechim (lame persons), paralyzed. [4For a malach Hashem from time to time descended into the berekhah (pool) and agitated the mayim; therefore, he who entered first after the agitation of the mayim, became whole, whatever choli (disease, sickness) he was held by.] 5And there was a certain man there SHELOSHIM U'SHEMONEH SHANAH#5:5 Dt 2:14 (thirty-eight years) having been in his machla (illness). 6Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, seeing this man lying there, and having da'as that the man had been in this condition for a long time already, says to him, Do you want to have refu'ah?#5:6 Isa 53:5 7In reply, the choleh (sick one) said, Adoni, I have no one, when the mayim is disturbed, to put me into the pool. While I am coming, someone steps into the pool ahead of me. 8Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, Rise up, take your mat and walk. 9And immediately the man received his refu'ah (healing) and took his mat and was walking around.
And that day was Shabbos. 10So those of Yehudah were saying to the one having been granted refu'ah (healing), It is Shabbos, so it is asur (prohibited), it is chillul Shabbos (desecration of Shabbat) for you to carry your mat.#5:10 Neh 13:15-22; Jer 17:21 11But the man in reply said to them, The one having given me refu'ah, that one said to me, Take up your mat and walk! 12They asked him, Who is haIsh (the man) telling you to take up your mat and walk? 13But the one having been granted refu'ah (healing) did not have da'as who it is, for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach slipped away, there being a multitude in the place. 14After these things Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach finds him in the Beis Hamikdash, and said to him, Hinei, you have received your refu'ah. No longer commit averos, for fear that something worse happen to you. 15The man went away and reported to the Yehudim that Yehoshua is the one having granted him his refu'ah, 16And, because of this, those of Yehudah brought redifah (persecution) upon Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, because these things he was doing on Shabbos. 17But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach in reply, said to them, Avi until now is working and I am working.#5:17 Gn 2:3
18Because of this, therefore, those of Yehudah were seeking all the more to kill Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, because not only was he mechallel Shabbos, but also Rebbe was saying that his own Av was Hashem, thereby making himself equal with Elohim.#5:18 Yn 1:1
19In reply, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying to them, Omein, omein, I say to you, HaBen is not able to do anything from himself except what he sees HaAv doing, for what things that One is doing, these things also HaBen likewise is doing. 20For HaAv has ahavah for HaBen and all things He shows to him which He does and ma'asim gedolim (greater works) than these He will show him that you may marvel. 21For just as HaAv raises the Mesim (dead ones) and makes them alive, so also HaBen makes alive whom he wills.#5:21 Dt 32:39; 1Sm 2:6; 2Kgs 5:7; Hos 6:2; Ruth 4:5 22For not even HaAv judges anyone, but all Mishpat Hashem has given to HaBen,#5:22 Gn 18:25; Judg 11:27; Dan 7:10,13-14 23That kol Bnei Adam may honor HaBen as they honor HaAv. The one not honoring HaBen does not honor HaAv who sent him.#5:23 Dan 7:13-14 24Omein, omein, I say to you, that the one, hearing my dvar and having emunah in the One who sent me, has Chayyei Olam and does not come into the Mishpat Hashem, but has been transferred out of mavet (death) into Chayyim (Life).
25Omein, omein, I say to you, that a sha'ah (hour) is coming and now is, when the Mesim (dead ones) will hear the kol (voice) of the Ben HaElohim and the ones having heard will live. 26For just as HaAv has Chayyim (Life) in himself,#5:26 Dt 30:20; Job 10:12; 33:4; Ps 36:9 [10] so also HaBen He gave to have Chayyim (Life) in himself. 27And samchut (authority) He gave to him to make mishpat (judgment) because he is the Bar Enosh.#5:27 Dan 7:13-14 28Do not marvel at this. For a sha'ah (hour, time) is coming in which all the ones in the kevarim (graves) will hear the kol of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,#5:28 Isa 26:19; Ezek 37:12 29And will come out, the ones having practiced HaTov to a Techiyas HaMesim of Chayyim (Life), the ones having practiced HaRah to a Techiyas HaMesim of Mishpat (Judgment).#5:29 Dan 12:2
30I am not able to do from myself anything. As I hear I judge, and mine is mishpat tzedek,#5:30 Isa 28:6 because I do not seek my own ratzon (will) but the ratzon (will) of the One having sent me.#5:30 Num 16:28 31If I give solemn edut (testimony) about myself, the edut of mine is not ne'emanah (reliable). 32There is Another giving solemn edut about me, however, and I have da'as that the edut He testifies about me is ne'emanah (reliable). 33You [pl.] have sent to Yochanan and he has given solemn edut (testimony) to HaEmes (the Truth). 34Not that I accept edut from Bnei Adam, but I say these things that you may come to Yeshu'at Eloheinu. 35He#5:35 Yochanan was a menorah burning and shining and you chose to exult for a time in his Ohr (Light);#5:35 Ps 132:16; Dan 12:3 36but l have edut (testimony) greater than Yochananʼs. For the ma'asim (works) which HaAv has given to me that I should accomplish, these ma'asim which I do give solemn edut (testimony) about me, that HaAv has sent me. 37And HaAv who sent me has Himself given solemn edut (testimony) about me. You have neither heard His kol (voice) nor the mareh of Hashem have you seen,#5:37 Dt 4:12 38and the dvar Hashem you do not have abiding and dwelling in you, because you have no bitachon (trust), no emunah (faith) in the one whom Hashem has sent.#5:38 Isa 26:10; 53:1; Jer 8:8 39You search the Kitvei Hakodesh because you think in them you have Chayyei Olam. And those are the ones giving solemn edut about me. 40And you do not want to come to me that you may have Chayyim. 41I do not accept kavod (glory) from Bnei Adam. 42But I have had da'as of you, that the ahavas Hashem (the love of G-d) you do not have in yourselves. 43I have come b'Shem Avi and you do not accept me. If another comes in his own name, him you will accept. 44How are you able to have emunah, when you receive kavod from one another, and the kavod from the only Elohim HaEchad you do not seek?#5:44 2Kgs 19:15,19; Isa 37:20; 45Do not think that I will accuse you before HaAv; however, there is one accusing you: Moshe, in whom you have set your tikvah.#5:45 Dt 31:26-27 46For if you were having emunah in Moshe, you would have had emunah in me, for he himself wrote concerning me.#5:46 Gn 3:15; 45:4-9; Dt 18:15 47But if in the Kitvei Hakodesh of that one you lack emunah, how will you have emunah in my dvar?

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Yochanan 5: TOJB2011





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