Holy Week, The Wise & Faithful - Disciple Makers Series #24预览
A Gift that makes no sense
Thoughts on the message
How much do you love Jesus?
What would you give to show your love to Him?
Mary did not understand why she should do this - she did it because God prompted her to do it. Everyone thought she was crazy to waste this costly gift like this – everyone except Jesus. Jesus knew that it was the precious spice put on the bodies of those who died, and He was coming up to that time. So He honored Mary for listening to God and offering this amazing gift.
These kinds of gifts make no sense to other people. When God asks us to give to others in ways that seem foolish, be sure it is from God and then trust Him. We likely have no idea why it is important. That is okay. God will explain it at the right time. Understand this: it is a special person that God entrusts with this kind of task. God will honor it properly.
Father, sometimes You have asked us to do foolish things like giving to people that others refuse to help. It seems like a total waste, but You know. It is a special privilege to be given this honor though. You trust us to listen without knowing why. So give me ears to hear from You again today and if I am blessed to bless someone else – give me joy in doing that as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 24 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus closes out His discussion on what will He is looking for when He returns. He looks for wise and faithful, listening, gracious followers. Will that be us?