Leadership Pain: Hope In The Midst Of Trials预览
Job Questions & Challenges God
Can you imagine seeing one of the world’s most successful and influential leaders lose nearly everything of value in one day? What would we think about them? Perhaps that they had it coming to them through some hidden sin.
Well, we know that Job was a blameless and righteous man before God. Yet, in one day, he lost his house, wealth, and children. Even his closest three friends turned on him, assailing him with a barrage of questions implying that his loss was the result of some hidden sin in his life. The only surviving member of his family, his wife, told him to “Curse God and die!”, a command he rejected. He certainly questioned God as to why these events were happening, but he never wavered in his belief and faith in the one true God.
While Job was pure in his faithfulness toward God, he questioned why he deserved this tragedy. Many of us can sympathize given the duress and pain of Job’s traumatic situation. However, it is in this thinking that we can place our wisdom higher than the Almighty God’s. The Lord allowed Satan to bring this terrible circumstance on Job to refine him and prove that Job would not turn his back on God.
God promises to restore our situations as he did Job’s, just not always in the way or timing that we may think. God didn’t raise Job’s family from the dead. He gave him a new family. Job still hurt from the loss of his first family, but God brought new life to him with a second family. Other times, our reward may not come until after we die.
Are you willing to allow God to restore your life in His way and timing? Would you remain faithful if your reward came after you died?
While we rejoice at many triumphs of leaders in the Bible, we scarce remember their frequent, often undeserved, trials. It is during these challenges of life, survived over decades usually, that God creates a foundation for their incredible leadership success. We will examine many heroic, overcoming stories and how God’s word encourages us during difficult circumstances. Leadership isn’t easy, but He will always be with us.