Lessons From 2 Chronicles: Devotions From Time Of Grace预览

Lessons From 2 Chronicles: Devotions From Time Of Grace


Don’t be discouraged

King Hezekiah faced one of world history’s most severe tests of leadership. The rampaging Assyrian armies and their king, Sennacherib, had laid waste to and annexed all the lands north of Israel. Now they were mopping up the last Israelite resistance and preparing for the siege of Jerusalem that would end Israelite history.

Hezekiah consulted the Lord and then had a powerful message for the shaking and quaking Israelites: “‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.’ And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said” (2 Chronicles 32:7,8).

“Do not be afraid? What? What?? Are you mad, O king? We are massively outnumbered and are down to our last couple of walled cities.” But Hezekiah was not mad. Sennacherib had only human armies going for him. At this particular time, at least, Israel had the Lord on its side. No contest. The angels of death moved through the Assyrian camps and slaughtered 185,000 troops. There is no force on earth that can stop him. If you are enjoying God’s favor, protected by his hosts, carrying out his agenda, and trusting in his provision, then there is no force on earth that can stop you either.

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Lessons From 2 Chronicles: Devotions From Time Of Grace

The book of 2 Chronicles introduces us to some obscure Bible characters who teach us lessons about God’s love and promises and how to live our lives for him. 
