The Sound Of Christmas预览

The Sound Of Christmas


Glory to God (The Angel's Song)

Lyrics by David Binion and Joshua Dufrene

People waking in the dark

Finally see the Light

Angels sing aloud with joy

Piercing through the night.

Wisemen travel from afar

Gifts to Him they bring

Now behold the Son of God

Christ the new born King

Glory to God in the highest!

Peace on the earth!

Peace on the earth!

Glory to God in the highest

Peace on the earth, good will to men!!

If you go shopping in any mall, you can always find trinkets or figurines of angels, especially at Christmas. People – even those who are unsure of their faith – often believe in these heavenly beings. 

In the Bible, we see that angels play three specific roles. There are worshiping angels, messenger angels, and warring angels. And while there are specific assignments given, I personally believe the entire host of Heaven participate in the sound of worship.

When angels manifest themselves in scripture, there are times they don’t reveal their supernatural nature. At other times their appearance brings great fear. In almost every case, the angels begin their announcement with, “Fear not!”

“The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them.” (Psalms 34:7 NKJV)

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14 NKJV)

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2 NKJV)

While it can’t be proven, some scholars suggest the shepherds who were visited by the angels in Luke 2 were the very same shepherds who owned the cave where Jesus was born. This is possible because they knew where to find the manger. But what is important is that God’s grace is being revealed to a group of people held in low regard. God reveals the birth of the Savior to ordinary people.

The Bible tells us that there was a sudden appearance accompanied by blazing glory which indicates the presence of the divine. The effect of this sudden visitation was fear. The angel commands them, “Do not fear, because this is a joyous occasion.” The angel is bringing good news!

After the announcement is made by the angelic messenger, the scripture tells us that another manifestation of the host of Heaven breaks into the earth realm. A choir of angels start singing praise to the Savior and declaring peace to all men. The heavens were no longer able to contain their sheer delight. Happy Earth day, Jesus!

Recently, I was celebrating my birthday with a group of friends when all of the serving staff appeared at our table, bringing a dessert and gathering to sing. What fun! And yet my celebration can’t begin to compare with the birth of Jesus. His birth required a heavenly host, all serenading simple shepherds with divine melodies.

Glory to God in the highest!

Peace on the earth!

Peace on the earth!

Glory to God in the highest

Peace on the earth, good will to men!!

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The Sound Of Christmas

Don’t you just love the sounds of Christmas? Carols by candlelight, bells pealing, the joyful laughter of friends and family? This Christmas, worship leader David Binion invites you to listen for the original sounds of Christmas. Join David for a reading plan that focuses our hearts on the CHRIST of Christmas and the sounds of Heaven kissing earth with the greatest gift of all.
