Summer Love预览

Summer Love


Two steps forward, one back

The great age of King Solomon was built on his prayer for wisdom, rather than wealth and significance. God sensed the king’s heart, but He was acutely aware of the stains on that heart. Solomon brings political splendour to Israel, but he is far from perfect. He’s not the saviour Israel needs. But he showed his love for God by following the Law—up to a point. He struggled to integrate his ambition for the Lord with his consistent obedience. It’s a challenge we can identify with. Our love for God is always falling short of what it should be.

Question: Where are your points of inconsistency, and how can you find the courage to address them?

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Summer Love

“Love is love” has become a catchphrase of our times. But it does not have any meaning until we define what love is. The Christian starting point is to say that God is love. This series looks to understand the nature of God’s love. By the end of the series, I hope that the word ‘love’ has all the rich and flavoursome ingredients to it that Scripture has to offer.
