Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride



"Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don't give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have." Joyce Meyer 

PRAY:  Father in Heaven, I can't imagine ever turning from You, or ever blaspheming You. But You tell us that our pride can get us to turn from You. Who is it that I have ridiculed or blasphemed? Against whom have I raised my voice or lifted my eyes in pride? Oh Lord, have I ever turned against You, the Holy One of Israel, because of pride? Please help me to always keep my eyes on You and never get too prideful. I need you and Your Holy Spirit to keep my heart and mind in check. Oh Father, keep me humble every moment of every day. Thank You for loving me so much that You want me to walk humbly in Your sight. Amen.
REFLECT:  Most Christians say that we would never turn from God. We can't imagine ever committing the most horrible sin, of blaspheming God or the Holy Spirit. But we must do it, or the Lord wouldn't be warning us about that. What subtle things could you be doing in your own pride that would get you to turn from God, or worse yet Blaspheme Him. It sounds impossible, but reflect on these verses and consider how subtle the enemy is to get you to lift your eyes up in pride, and away from God. All of us are just one choice away from pridefully turning away from God.
ACT: Right now, seek God, as your heavenly Father, and ask Him to show you if, or how, pride is in the way of getting closer to Him, of devoting yourself to Him, or of loving other people.  Ask Him if there is any area of your life or any situation where you are turning from Him, or worse yet, blaspheming Him, because of your pride.  Take 10 minutes to lay out all of your thoughts and concerns, and ask your heavenly Father to humble you, break you, or reveal to you where your pride has become a barrier between you and Him.  We can't see our own pride.  It's the Holy Spirit who can reveal it to us.  So, take the time right now to seek His face, to hear His voice, to humble yourself before Him, and to ask Him to show you how to make more room for Him.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride

“Pride cometh before the fall.” What a well-known quote that we have all used at one time or another to judge prideful people. We’re going to spend this week looking into pride and how we can be proud of our choices, proud of God, and proud of others, yet not prideful about our accomplishments, traits, etc. Let’s celebrate God being proud of us while changing any prideful thoughts…
