Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride



"If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are." Mother Teresa

"That's what Rocky is all about: pride, reputation, and not being another bum in the neighborhood."  Sylvester Stallone

PRAY:  Jesus, I want You and Your followers to be proud of me because of what I see in people's hearts, not by what I am impressed by what people do, or say, or appear to be. I don't want to commend myself to You or other people, as if I am better than anyone else. I just want to live a life of integrity, wisdom and Christ-likeness so that I can answer those who question me, who question You, or who don't know the truth. Thank you for teaching me how to be wise, not full of pride, and how to be proud of the people around me who are living wise, Christ-like lives. I want to lift up others, encourage them, and be proud of the people I choose to be around. Thank You for helping me with that Jesus. Amen 
REFLECT: Paul is trying to teach the people in Corinth that he is not pushing himself on them, but that he wants to be an example to them of someone who cares about what's in their hearts, not how they appear to be on the outside. And he wants us to do the same thing. Do you try to become friends with the cool people and be seen with the "in" crowd? Or are you trying to choose friends who live Christ-like lives and to pursue people of strong moral integrity? Or does your human pride lead you to the most successful or the most wealthy people in your neighborhood, company, school, or church group? We have to understand the subtlety of pride and commend ourselves to people of truth, goodness, honesty, purity, kindness, and love. What kind of people do you hang around?
ACT:  Think of your best friends at work, in your neighborhood, at school, or in your community. Are they all of the cool people? Are they the wealthiest and most prestigious, or, regardless of their status, are they the most Christ-like people? Are they people of integrity? Are you friends with people who accept you for exactly who you are, yet encourage you to grow? Evaluate your friends and business acquaintances and see if you choose them out of pride, or out of a hunger to be around people who will make you a better person. Then decide if you're on track with what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 5:12 or if you need to make an adjustment in your own pride.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Pride

“Pride cometh before the fall.” What a well-known quote that we have all used at one time or another to judge prideful people. We’re going to spend this week looking into pride and how we can be proud of our choices, proud of God, and proud of others, yet not prideful about our accomplishments, traits, etc. Let’s celebrate God being proud of us while changing any prideful thoughts…
