Wisdom For Fathers预览

Wisdom For Fathers


The Spiritual Leader

What does it mean to be the spiritual leader of my home? Do I have to reach a level of spiritual maturity before I qualify? What if my wife is more spiritual than me? Should she be the spiritual leader? Spiritual leadership is determined by position, not knowledge. God places a man in the role of spiritual leader to lead his wife and children in faith.

Our wives and children may know more of the Bible, but the Lord still holds us responsible for their spiritual well-being. So as husbands and fathers, we have to ask ourselves, “What are we doing to lead our families spiritually?” This non-optional assignment from almighty God forces us into faith-based behavior. We want to model daily time in Bible reading and prayer. Spiritual leaders show the way to knowing God.

Spiritual leadership does not require a graduate degree in theology, but it does require a degree of planning and preparation. Spiritual leaders create a prayerful plan of intentional action that exposes their families to faith opportunities. You spend time looking for houses of worship that meet the needs of your wife and child, much like you would want them to live in the right home or attend the right school. Spiritual leadership seeks a church.

Men who make it a big deal to lead their family spiritually make the most difference at home and in the community. Your investment in family Bible study, your example of faith under fire, and your Christlike character are living testaments to the truth of God.

Talk about the Lord when you linger in traffic with your children, pray with them when they are fearful and upset, hold your wife’s hand and listen to her heart, sign up for the next marriage retreat, and serve others unselfishly. You cannot control the culture, but you and your house can serve the Lord. Spiritual leaders lead their family to love God.

How can I take responsibility to lead my family spiritually? How can I leave a legacy for the Lord?

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Wisdom For Fathers

Dad. What a small word to represent such a huge task! Our prayer is that these devotions will help you grow, learn and share your faith walk with your family and others.
