Wisdom For Fathers预览

Wisdom For Fathers


Thankful Prayers

Do you often offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the saints of God who have great faith and lavish love? Who comes to mind when you think of those who have persevered with God through pain, sorrow, joy and abundance? Perhaps you think of career missionaries, ministers or a successful businessperson. Maybe your mind locks onto a loved one that has kept the faith in the middle of fiery trials or a complicated health condition. These are quality human beings you can honor by thanking God for them with powerful prayers.

God expects prayer for missionaries, however make it more personal by placing their picture in a prominent place in your home. When you walk by them or at a designated time, intercede on their behalf to Almighty God. It is those with great faith who foster a flaming fire of faith within your soul. Thanking the Lord for His faithful followers bolsters your faith to be more like those with whom you are exceedingly grateful.

Your children need to hear you pray, thanking God for the faith of your forefathers and other living family members who love Jesus. It is this attitude of respect for committed Christians that builds commitment into your sons and daughters. Gratitude to God for those who are serious about their Savior Jesus, builds a generation of God followers.

Furthermore thank the Lord for their love, for as their faith grows love is not far behind. “We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing” (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Those with great faith love great!

Indeed pray for those with great faith and love to finish well. This is the testimony of those we admire the most, “All these people were still living by faith when they died…” (Hebrews 11:13a). Mature Christians still need encouragement and accountability to remain faithful. Your prayers for them compel them to move forward with Christ.

Who do I know who is solid in their faith, who I can thank God for often in prayer? Who is a missionary couple my family can pray for weekly?

Thank you for reading this 5-day reading plan, adapted from Boyd Bailey's book, Wisdom for Fathers. Click here  for more devotions and books from Boyd and the Wisdom Hunters' team. 

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Wisdom For Fathers

Dad. What a small word to represent such a huge task! Our prayer is that these devotions will help you grow, learn and share your faith walk with your family and others.
