Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing预览

Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing


Over the next several weeks I began to deal with my emotions and the fear that was looming over me. I told my family and my core group of girlfriends. Then I waited and waited on the doctors. I was supposed to see the neurosurgeon but two weeks went by with nothing. I finally called and was told that there was nothing that he could do for me but would refer me to a vascular radiologist My first reaction was fear but I remembered what 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT said, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline..” This verse tells us that WE, you and I, have power. The word for power in this scripture is dunamis, which is the English word for dynamite. Does that blow your mind or what? (Insert giggling here).

Two weeks later I was finally meeting with a vascular radiologist. And one week later I was having an angiogram. I was so thankful that I didn’t have to wait for my answer. Our doctor came in and explained that I did have two brain aneurysms. He went on to explain what the treatment process would be.  

I’m a firm believer that there is a Bible verse for whatever you are going through. Need healing? Well, a simple Google search will pull up almost every verse about healing. And yes, you guessed it. This is exactly what I did! As I read these powerful verses, they didn’t sit well in my spirit. They didn’t feel right and they didn’t make me think “YES!”. One day as I was praying, I heard, “I want to give you MY word on this”. My response was a simple "ok" and then there was silence. So, for several days, I read my Bible and waited for God to speak to me. Then one day as I was reading, I came across Ps. 118:17 NIV, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” I knew that was my scripture for this journey.

So why pray the Word of God? John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God….." In this scripture, "word" in its original text is logos. Logos refers to that which comes from God. It is to fulfill His purpose for our lives. John 1:1 goes on to say, “the word was God.” When we pray God's Word, we are speaking God into our situation. According to Hebrews we also know that the Word of God is alive and active. Jeremiah tells us that the Word is like fire. Psalms tells us that the Word is pure like silver that’s been refined. When the fire comes into our lives it is powerful and can refine us, if we will let it. We also know that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. Simply put, there is nothing more powerful than the Word of God! That spoken word will bring power into your troubled times.

My prayer for you is that whatever situation you face you will ask God for His Word for that moment of your lives.  

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Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing

In July of 2017 I had a small stroke which led to the discovery of two brain aneurysms. This is my story of healing and what lessons I learned on this journey of discovery with God. You may not need physical healing as I did, but what I did to fill that space between the amen and my answered prayer will work, no matter what "troubled times" you are facing.
