Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing预览

Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing


Today is the last day we get to spend together, so I want to backtrack a little. When I first was told the scans revealed there were two or three aneurysms, I had to process that information. But my next thought was, “I’m believing God to heal those brain aneurysms”. I had my church, my friends, and family agreeing in prayer with me. But as I shared with you on Day 2, my results were not what I was believing for. What I found so interesting was that I was ok with this. After a few days, I began to realize that I was going to go on a journey with God and my final destination would be healing. You may not be needing physical healing as I did. Your “troubled times” might be something totally different. But what I think God wants us to do is to embrace the journey He has set before us. 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 NIV

God was perfecting something in me. He wanted to do a greater work within me than just to heal me.  A miracle would have been a WOW moment in my life. But would it have done the deep work in my heart that God wanted? Would I have the relationship with God that I have now? Honestly, I don’t think I would have. 

Think about this: the relationships we have with people require cultivation. We have to put some effort into getting to know those people. I know my deepest relationships just didn’t happen. We had to spend time together. And in that time we spend together, I know who they are and they know who I am. I believe the same thing happens when we spend time with God in His Word and in prayer. The more time we spend with Him, the deeper we get to know Him and begin to learn who we are in Him. 

Let's finish up my story. The last repair was very deep in my brain and the procedure would take 3-4 hours. I remember being rolled down the hall telling God, "If it's my time to come home, I'm good and I'll run to You, but in my heart, I really want to stay earthside." Four hours later I woke up in recovery thanking God that He had healed me. 

What I learned was that healings come in many different forms. Sometimes we get instantly healed. Other times, God uses the medical field. And then there are times we get to go home. 

What I want to leave you with is this: God sees the end from the beginning. He’s a loving Father who will withhold no good thing. We need to remember that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.  

My hope for you is that when “troubled times” come, you will not walk, but run to God. You will ask Him for His Word and embrace the journey He sets before you, knowing he always has your best intentions in mind. 

If you enjoyed this devotional be sure to check out my other devotional, Loving God Big. 

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Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing

In July of 2017 I had a small stroke which led to the discovery of two brain aneurysms. This is my story of healing and what lessons I learned on this journey of discovery with God. You may not need physical healing as I did, but what I did to fill that space between the amen and my answered prayer will work, no matter what "troubled times" you are facing.
