The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Four预览
Family Devotional:
Matthew 5:23-30 inserts us into the middle of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In this particular section of the sermon, Jesus takes time to teach on the importance of settling matters with others. In the First Century, people who owed a debt were to serve prison time until they achieved the means to repay their debts. Often, this would never be attainable. Thus, Jesus is teaching his people to avoid these problems on the front-end – a proactive approach to relationship, rather a reactive.
Daily Demonstration:
As you sit with family and friends to have a meal tonight, consider the aspects of relationships with those around you. Are there any disputes that need to be handled? If so, commit to settling those disputes today and sit down to a peaceful meal with them tonight.
Additional Resources:
• Emmet Fox, The Sermon on the Mount, (Amazon)
• Faithlife Study Bible, Download, (Website:
Sabbath-Specific Resources:
• BibleProject, Theme Video, Sabbath
• Celebration Church, Prayer and Resource Guide for Practicing Sabbath, (Website:
Each day as you engage the Scripture, we recommend following this pattern of devotional reading. 1. Read the Scripture aloud. 2. Seek out where King Jesus is at work in the Scripture. 3. Pray over the Scripture. 4. Discern how this Scripture impacts your life.