
The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes


True Purpose  

When a football game begins, there are actually three teams on the field. There are the two opposing teams battling for victory, and there is a team of officials. The team of officials answers to a higher authority—the NFL head office. They don’t take sides because they represent another kingdom. They exercise authority using the NFL rulebook. They make decisions without hesitation because they don’t care who likes them, claps for them, or boos them. They are not there to win a popularity contest. They are there to bring order to a chaotic situation. 

Likewise, the church does not exist for itself. The central theme of Scripture is the glory of God expressed through the advancement of His kingdom so that God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. The church was created for this purpose—to advance God’s kingdom in history. God gave the church authority and placed the church in the middle of a chaotic world to bring order. Therefore, the church is not to take sides on societal issues because it answers to a higher authority and represents another kingdom. Meaning, the church should always represent God’s view on any matter.

When functioning properly, the church functions like a levee that prevents evil from flooding into the culture. However, the levees are breaking and our culture is seemingly getting worse. One reason they are failing is because we’ve made the purpose of the church, the church. Instead of building God’s kingdom, we want to build big churches with many members and lots of programs. We must return the church to its true purpose—advancing the kingdom of God.

Based on this, what is the job of the church? 


The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes

种族主义和不平等为何会对我们的文化造成了如此严重的破坏呢?单从教会的数量上看,美国共有300,000多所教会,这意味着每周有300,000场讲道、敬拜与聚会。可为何却看不到教会对文化产生更大的影响呢?在这个四天读经计划中,托尼‧埃文斯博士(Dr. Tony Evans)将就真正的教会及其如何对我们的文化产生积极影响展开讨论。


感谢 The Urban Alternative (Tony Evans) 提供此读经计划。欲知详情,请访问:https://tonyevans.org/