Goodbye, Self-Doubt!预览

Goodbye, Self-Doubt!


Moses was not done with his questions. Far from it. When Moses heard that he should approach the Israelites and tell them that God had commissioned him, he begins his question with these three words: What if they…?

In yesterday’s Bible Plan, we saw how self-doubt was amplified when Moses looked within himself and asked, “Who am I…?”. Today, we see how self-doubt intensified when Moses looked around him and asked, “What if they..?. Moses looked inward and outward, but he wasn’t looking upward yet. 

Often, we too are worried about the what-if-they questions in our lives. What if they reject me? What if they ignore me? What if they think I’m not good enough?

Those questions can be debilitating. They can paralyze us with self-doubt so we don’t pursue our purpose. 

God answers Moses’ question with a series of miracles that shifts the focus from other’s opinions to God’s glory. In displaying miracle after miracle, was God telling Moses to take his eyes off himself and off others and to put them on an all-powerful Rescuer who works in miraculous ways.

God does great things through us, if we trust Him. Things far beyond our personal ability. Things far beyond anyone else’s estimation of our potential. Things far beyond human comprehension or natural capacity. 

The world tells us supposedly empowering stuff like, “She believed she could. So she did.”

But that pithy statement is a twisted version of truth that can become a self-help trap. Silencing insecurity is not about drumming about belief in ourselves. It is trusting God as the inexhaustible source of power, creativity, energy, and talent. 

When we have His resurrection power at work within us, then the “what if they..?” questions become irrelevant. We can walk boldly into our calling knowing that God will give us what it takes to glorify His name and His name alone.

Lean in: Father God, Through all of life’s questions, may I know that Your resurrection power is at work within me. Thank You that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly, more than I can ask or imagine. Thank you for the strength I have because I depend on a God who is all-powerful. Amen. 

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Goodbye, Self-Doubt!

“Live out your purpose.” We often hear statements like that, but we’re plagued by doubt and insecurity. We’re fearful of stepping into our calling because we’re hemmed in by the “what if’s?” of life. We find ourselves trapped by feelings of inadequacy. In this Bible Plan, we’ll look at truths from Scripture to silence self-doubt and walk in the sufficiency that comes from God.
