Goodbye, Self-Doubt!预览

Goodbye, Self-Doubt!


One piece of real estate. Twelve guys. Two very different reports.

That’s the story of the dozen spies that Moses sent to do a recce on Canaan. Ten of them come back with a debrief that is downright intimidating. They report seeing powerful people and fortified cities.

Two of them, Caleb and Joshua, part of the same recon team, have a vastly different take on their 40-day trek through Canaan.

Here’s what Caleb says to the other 10 men: “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

Caleb’s statement was not about his confidence in their prowess nor was it his positive outlook on life. It was about taking God at His Word. God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites. It was now up to them to march forth boldly and take possession of the land. 

Joshua backs up Caleb’s words by saying in Numbers 14: 8-9: “If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us.”

The other ten spies looked at the “giants” in the land and they grew more fearful. They twisted the truth, exaggerated the problem, and shared a false report. They finally concluded that they looked like “grasshoppers” in their own eyes and in the eyes of the people in the land. By dwelling on people and their perceived opinion, the ten spies experienced a deep sense of self-doubt. Their fear of man was so overwhelming that their fear of the Lord grew dim. They finally chose to rebel against the Almighty.  

Caleb and Joshua, on the other hand, looked to God and grew in their confidence because they knew their strength was in a God who was unfailing, all-powerful, and ever-present. They trusted a God who keeps His promises. 

Today, let’s ask ourselves, am I allowing my sense of identity to come from what others think of me or what God says about me in His Word? 

Will you let the “giants” (whether they be imposing people or overwhelming situations or the debilitating lies within) intimidate you? Or will you look to God and let the reverential fear of the Lord guide your steps? 

Lean In: Father God, I know that You will give me what it takes to conquer my “giants” so I can live out my calling with confidence. Thank You that You are a God who keeps His Word. Would You teach me, Lord, not to be intimated by the world but to fear Your name and honor You in all I do? Amen

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Goodbye, Self-Doubt!

“Live out your purpose.” We often hear statements like that, but we’re plagued by doubt and insecurity. We’re fearful of stepping into our calling because we’re hemmed in by the “what if’s?” of life. We find ourselves trapped by feelings of inadequacy. In this Bible Plan, we’ll look at truths from Scripture to silence self-doubt and walk in the sufficiency that comes from God.
