Leadership Revealed预览

Leadership Revealed


This module focuses on the Christian’s perfect leadership example: Jesus. This study explores four principles of Christian leadership as demonstrated perfectly by Jesus in the narrative of the four gospels: credibility, humility, conflict resolution, and discipline. It may be intimidating to glean from Christ’s example because he’s, well, God! Though it is impossible to perfectly follow Jesus’ example, it gives us an opportunity to humbly rely on the Lord. As we learn to yield our imperfections to him, he will faithfully equip us for a life of influential leadership. 

1. Credibility

The first principle is credibility, which comprises elements of competence, humility and resolve. Credible people are typically trusted to set a path and guide others down it, Jesus exemplified credibility in this way during his time on earth. His incredible command of Scripture made him credible to his culture. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us what it means to live in a way that glorifies God. He shows credibility by ending each point with, “But I say to you.” Jesus’ knowledge of the scripture astonished the people of Israel. Matthew 7: 28-29 states that he taught with authority unlike anyone else. Christian leaders must remember that credibility precedes authority. 

2. Humility 

Our second principle is humility, and Jesus is humility personified. Humility is expressed through service and obedience. We see Jesus’ servant’s heart in Matthew 20:20-28 where he profoundly tells the disciples that the greatest leaders will put their needs last. He then demonstrates this lesson of leadership in John 13 as we see him washing the disciples’ feet before dying on the cross. Jesus also displayed humility through obedience. John 15:1-11 teaches us that Christian leaders must submit to and obey God’s commands. Only then will the fruits of faith and leadership show everywhere else. Jesus set the perfect example of humble leadership as he never sought his own will but the will of his Father. 

3. Conflict Resolution

Conflict is unavoidable when imperfect humans collaborate, and Jesus teaches us how to handle conflict with compassion. Matthew 18 gives leaders a great “protocol” for conducting conflict resolution. First, take it upon yourself to talk to the person(s) affected or at fault. Be honest about how the situation affects you, approaching it with love and compassion. Second, maintaining the posture and actions of the first step, bring one or two trusted individuals with you to confront the issue. Finally, if that does not work, bring it to authority. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate conflict resolution by his redemptive work on the cross. 

4. Discipline

Every great leader must maintain a sense of discipline that fosters their ability to lead themselves and others. For a Christian leader, the discipline of prayer is vital. Luke 5:16 shows us that discipline and prayer were a large part of Jesus’ life. Paul also commands Christians to “pray without ceasing.” Prayer equips us with godly strength to continue leading for Christ. 

As we conclude, I hope you can read through the gospels and see the example of leadership Jesus has left for you. As you piece together what it means to be a Christian leader, don’t forget to remember the principles we learned: credibility, humility, conflict resolution, and discipline. With these principles, let us strive to emulate Jesus Christ, the One whom we worship, obey, and love.

Reflection Questions:

Who are leaders in your life that exhibit credibility? 

Where is an area of your life where you can practice humility through obedience to God?

 Is there a situation where you can practice the Biblical “protocol” for conflict resolution? 

What is a set time of day that you can practice the discipline of prayer?

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Leadership Revealed

Learn what it means to be an effective leader as you study and reflect on biblical characters who led for Christ and changed their culture. Each day outlines a different biblical leader and the lessons we can learn from their leadership style. Transform your 21st century influences by applying the timeless practices found in “Leadership Revealed”.
