Leadership Revealed预览

Leadership Revealed


The story of Esther is one of overcoming corruption and discrimination to save her people. Her story reminds us of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Not every leader will save an entire nation, but every leader can still learn from her example of self-sacrifice, building support, and faith.

1. Sacrifice 

Esther proved that leaders often have to sacrifice themselves or be willing to do so. Esther 4:16 tells us that going before the King without being called was a serious offense. It was a terrible risk, and she knew she could have been executed, yet, for the sake of her people, she took that risk. For many leaders, execution is an unlikely consequence of the choices we make. However, we may lose a personal agenda, wealth, or pride, maybe even power or influence. Godly leaders, like Esther, must think of others first and accept the personal risks. 

2. Build Support

Next, Esther understood the need to build support. Chapter 2 tells us that Esther relied on the support of the Persian court. She took the advice of the king’s eunuch and won the king’s favor. Esther had every reason to be bitter and treat those around her with hostility. Instead, she knew she could not afford to alienate the people willing to help her. Esther also relied on the solidarity and support of Jewish people. She rallied her country around her by asking the people to undergo a three-day fast for her sake. It is important to remember that we are frail and limited human beings. We need friends and people praying for us and our leadership efforts. 

3. Faith

Finally, Esther proved the importance of faith. When Mordecai first told Esther to ask the King to spare the Jewish people, she objected because of the risk. Mordecai reminded Esther that she was created, “For such a time as this.” Esther realized God did not need her, but she was chosen by him to be the instrument through which he fulfilled his plan. Sometimes we might think of good reasons not to obey. However, leaders have to make the hard choices. 

Ultimately, Esther’s story teaches that Godly leaders must trust that God is ultimately in control. Esther lived this out by sacrificing herself, even when most of us would worry about surviving. She rejected a bitter attitude and reached out for support. She had faith and made the hard choice to trust God, no matter the circumstance. We should follow Esther's example in the face of hard situations. Who knows? Perhaps God has chosen you for such a time as this. 

Reflection Question?

How might you have to sacrifice while being a leader for Christ?

Who in your life can you find to support you?

What is currently a situation in your life where you must exercise faith like Esther?

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Leadership Revealed

Learn what it means to be an effective leader as you study and reflect on biblical characters who led for Christ and changed their culture. Each day outlines a different biblical leader and the lessons we can learn from their leadership style. Transform your 21st century influences by applying the timeless practices found in “Leadership Revealed”.
