One at a Time by Kyle Idleman预览

One at a Time by Kyle Idleman


Day 3

One Party at a Time

Luke 15; Luke 5:27-35; John 2:1-11

In the Bible, there’s a clear and consistent party theology. Jesus compared God’s Kingdom to a party and, in a famous trilogy of stories, taught that when someone turns to God a party breaks out in Heaven. Jesus came to change the world but his time on earth was relatively short. His ministry lasted a little more than a few years, and yet he accepted an invitation to a week-long party. He made time to have fun with other people. In Luke 5, Jesus saw Levi in a crowd and said, “Follow me.” Levi, also called Matthew, was a tax collector, which meant he was at the top of everyone’s most-despised list. Tax collectors were Jews who sided with the oppressive Roman government. They collected taxes from the Jews to give to the Romans. Tax collectors strongarmed the locals into giving them extra money, which they would put in their own pockets. Yet Jesus invited Levi to be his disciple, and Levi left everything to follow him.

As a follower of Jesus, the most natural thing for Levi to do next was throw a party. He invited a bunch of his friends who were far from God, and he invited Jesus. It was the perfect opportunity for his friends to see who Jesus really was. The Pharisees were aghast. They didn’t understand why Jesus was at a party, especially at a party with those people. But Jesus told them he had come for “those people.”

I love that. Jesus is basically saying, “Of course parties, of course, sinners. What did you expect?”

So…where do you fit in the story? Be honest. Whose life do you most reflect right now? Jesus changed people’s lives, one party at a time. Throwing a party might be one of the most natural and spiritual things a Christ-follower can do. So throw a party with a purpose. A party that points people to Jesus. A party that brings joy to people one at a time.

Plan a party today. It may be with several people or just one person- who do you need to bring the joy of Christ to today?

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One at a Time by Kyle Idleman

How did Jesus make such a difference in this world? The Gospels reveal several answers, but one stands out. In this seven-day study, pastor Kyle Idleman reflects on how Jesus modeled for us specific ways of making a profound and lasting impact on others: one person at a time.
