One at a Time by Kyle Idleman预览

One at a Time by Kyle Idleman



One Need at a Time

Luke 5:12-13; Mark 7:31-35; 1 John 4:7-12

Would God agree that some people are just too hard to love? If you look at the life of Jesus, the obvious answer is no. Jesus loved everyone, even—perhaps especially—those who were hard to love. He tangibly expressed his love by meeting people at their point of deepest need. One of my favorite examples of this is when Jesus touched a leper.

In the first century, leprosy was an incurable, contagious disease that caused the person to lose sensation in their extremities. They had discolored skin and sores all over their faces, and a horrible, putrid smell. People thought of leprosy as being a curse from God. Someone who contracted leprosy became a spiritual and social outcast. A leper received a life sentence of never being touched—no more hugs, handshakes, or kisses. They were declared “unclean” and forced to quarantine themselves from the rest of society. In fact, if a leper went anywhere near other people, he or she would have to shout a warning: “Unclean! Unclean!” Some rabbis of that time boasted about throwing stones at lepers to keep them far away.

Some rabbis did that- but not Jesus. Jesus was a rabbi, but the leper who approached him must have realized Jesus was different. He wasn’t confident Jesus would heal him, but he must have heard that this guy named Jesus would see him and talk with him.

Can you imagine how much this leper was starving for human contact? Even though the leper hoped Jesus was willing to heal him, I’m sure he never expected Jesus to touch him. The word we have translated “touched” literally means “to fasten onto.” Jesus fastened onto the man. Imagine the scene as Jesus grabbed the leper’s hand with both of his hands, or put his arm around his shoulders, or put both hands on his shoulders as he looked him in the eyes.

Yes, Jesus was willing to heal the man of his leprosy, but Jesus touched him before he healed him. Why not heal him and then touch him? I think it’s because Jesus loved the man just the way he was. The healing revealed his power, but the touch? The touch revealed Jesus’s love.

What hard-to-love person needs the love you have to offer today? Ask God to show you the best way to express it.

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One at a Time by Kyle Idleman

How did Jesus make such a difference in this world? The Gospels reveal several answers, but one stands out. In this seven-day study, pastor Kyle Idleman reflects on how Jesus modeled for us specific ways of making a profound and lasting impact on others: one person at a time.
