It Doesn’t Make Sense预览

It Doesn’t Make Sense


When God’s timing doesn’t make sense

In John chapter 2, Mary asked Jesus to help a newlywed couple at Cana who ran out of wine. Jesus replied, “My hour has not yet come” (verse 4). It sounded as if he had no plan and no interest in doing something to help. But then Jesus changed water into wine.

Sometimes it seems as if God has no plan or no interest in doing something to help you or me. Where is God seemingly delayed in response to your prayers?

God has not forgotten you. Have you read about the ten lepers from Luke chapter 17? When they left Jesus, they weren’t healed. The healing happened later. In Mark chapter 8, Jesus healed a man born blind. The healing happened in stages. First, the man saw shadowy figures. Later he was healed completely. God gives you what you need when the timing is best.

Ultimately, what do you need? It’s what the couple at Cana needed. It’s the same thing the ten lepers and the blind man needed. It wasn’t wine or healing; it was something more valuable.

What do you need? It’s something you already have. You need a Savior. And that’s what you have in Jesus! When Jesus said to Mary, “My hour has not yet come,” he was referring to his death, to his sacrifice that fulfills your greatest need—forgiveness.

Jesus always has your best interests in mind. Sometimes he acts instantly. Other times he uses the pains of this broken world to draw you to him. Either way, you are supported, you are loved, and you are his.

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It Doesn’t Make Sense

Sometimes things just don’t make sense—life, the Bible, and even God’s timing. This reading plan shows you how to make sense of it all.
