It Doesn’t Make Sense预览

It Doesn’t Make Sense


When God’s goodness doesn’t make sense

What is an unexpected gift that you have received? My sister won a Corvette from a radio station once. True story! Jesus changed water into wine as a gift for an unsuspecting wedding couple. True story.

God’s goodness is so good, so grand that it doesn’t make sense. Who am I to deserve any gift from my perfect God when I sin and disappoint him? Who am I to get any goodness? And yet, when God gives . . . his grace knows no bounds, his love no limits, his gifts no price tag.

We see this truth in the gift of wine Jesus gave the couple at Cana in John chapter 2. When Jesus gives, he gives generously because that is what God does, and that is who God is.

Jesus changed around 150 gallons of water into the finest tasting wine. That’s the equivalent of 750 bottles of wine. His gift was the best; it was abundant. The leftover wine after the wedding could’ve been sold. What a blessing!

You are blessed! Don’t expect a semi-truck to unload 62 cases of wine. But you can expect, and you have received an endless supply of Jesus’ kindness and mercy. Jesus saw this couple in need, and he acted. He knew exactly what they needed, and he fulfilled it. He does the same for you. Jesus gives. Jesus provides. Your life was saved from the spiritual bankruptcy of hell. Jesus never tires of loving and forgiving you. That goodness knows no end!

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It Doesn’t Make Sense

Sometimes things just don’t make sense—life, the Bible, and even God’s timing. This reading plan shows you how to make sense of it all.
