God's Plan for Redemption预览

God's Plan for Redemption


In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and he called them good. Then, he created man and called them very good. God created a perfect world free from conflict, war, disease, and poverty. The question we must ask ourselves is how did we get from the perfect world God created to the damaged world we live in today? Because God gave mankind a rule to obey, but after being tempted to make their own rules, they gave in and went against God.

This sin ruined God’s perfect world and still impacts us all today. But God didn’t just leave us hopeless, and he didn’t in the Bible. God offered hope to humanity that came in the form of a man: Jesus. Even here, in the very beginning of the story, we have hope that one day Jesus will come to make right the things that we wrecked.

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God's Plan for Redemption

What are the things you first think of when it comes to the Bible? Is it a book of rules? Does it contain helpful stories? Does it give you wisdom and advice? Over the course of this plan, we hope you will see how the Bible is more than just a collection of stories, but that all the pieces in the Bible point to Jesus.
