Let's Talk About Social Media预览

Let's Talk About Social Media


Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat—social media is a part of everyday life. It can change how we think about ourselves, our friends, and our world. But Jesus, who always wants what’s best for us, offers another option: to let Him transform us instead. When we let things of the world change us, it’s not always for the better. But when we let Jesus transform us, we can experience the kind of life and freedom that Jesus offers us.

Today, ask Jesus how He wants to transform you. Maybe even ask Him how to transform the way you use social media. Imagine a life free of the pressure of the world. That’s exactly what Jesus has in store for you!

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Let's Talk About Social Media

A middle school devotional designed to encourage students to use wisdom and discernment when it comes to social media. In this devotional, you’ll find Biblical truth to help you filter what types of social media you use, recognize how your online activity may impact your life, and discover ways to use your social media for good.
