Let's Talk About Social Media预览

Let's Talk About Social Media


Have you ever seen something on social media that made you really angry? It’s pretty easy to let people’s posts and actions make us mad. Jesus knows just how easy it is to be quick to anger because He was human, too. Yet, instead of being the kind of person who gets mad easily, Jesus gives us a different example. He is quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Why? Because He loves us!

Memorize this verse as a challenge to yourself to follow Jesus’ example. The next time you see something on social media that makes you angry or frustrated, ask yourself: How can I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry in the way I respond?

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Let's Talk About Social Media

A middle school devotional designed to encourage students to use wisdom and discernment when it comes to social media. In this devotional, you’ll find Biblical truth to help you filter what types of social media you use, recognize how your online activity may impact your life, and discover ways to use your social media for good.
