Understanding God's Heart For The Poor预览

Understanding God's Heart For The Poor


Inconsistency in Worship and Lifestyle Is Seen by God   

We all have a checklist of what constitutes a healthy commitment to God. If we can tick off two or three of these—going to church regularly, praying, reading our Bibles, attending a small group, and serving on a ministry team—it can make us think we are doing pretty well.

Isaiah 58 is one of the most chilling and sobering passages in the Bible. Isaiah brings a hard word to people who think they are doing pretty well. “They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to learn all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me.” 

There are times when we show up for worship but we are not fully there. We can easily “go through the motions” in public worship or private prayer and no one is any wiser. Except God; he knows! He sees the inconsistency that can so easily exist in different parts of our lives. 

Isaiah points out the people who fast yet oppress their workers, who claim to love God, then fight and quarrel. He points to their religious activity, asking: Do you truly think this will please God? It won't get you anywhere with Him as long as you are behaving like this. 


It is frighteningly easy to compartmentalize life. To examine the way we treat people at home, at work, on the end of the phone, and in public spaces is a real challenge. 

We cannot fool the Lord. He sees how we think and behave. And if there is unkindness, injustice, cruelty, hardness, or dishonesty in our hearts, it stands between us when we come to worship Him.


Lord Jesus, help me to honor you in every area of my life. May I think, speak, and act with integrity and kindness at all time. Amen.