Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?预览

Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?


To The Moon!

Have you ever had a question that seemed too big to tackle? Did you rack your brain for hours, days, or weeks to find the answer? Maybe it’s a question about faith, life, or our world. It can be intimidating to face such questions head-on, but questions are not bad in themselves. It was questions that motivated NASA engineers to determine how to get to the moon and back safely. We, too, can ask good questions about our faith and about God's plan for the world.

In Romans 9, we see that even the apostle Paul faced tough questions about God and His sovereignty. This is often seen as a difficult chapter to understand, full of hard questions. There are different views on Romans 9, and it's important to remember that godly, good people are on all sides of theological debates. Instead of fighting against one another, we can unite and focus on fighting against evil. We can journey through this chapter together.

It may seem scary to wrestle with deep theological truths, but we hope to develop a deeper understanding of God’s character and the way He has revealed Himself to us. Charles Spurgeon, the famous preacher from the 1800s, was once asked, “How do you reconcile divine sovereignty and human responsibility?” He said, “I never try to reconcile friends.” God’s got this connection of sovereignty and human responsibility. It’s like there’s a rope going over a pulley. We see one end here; the other end in heaven. It’s one rope with two ends. Romans 9 focuses on God’s sovereignty and Romans 10 focuses on human responsibility. And what do we need to do? We need to grab both ends of the rope and know they connect somehow in heaven. We may not fully understand how they relate, but we can trust that they do. We trust it not because we can fully comprehend it, but because God is entirely trustworthy.

So, what questions do you have? What questions have you been afraid to ask or tackle? Let’s bring them to God and trust that He will guide us to the answers. Let this devotional of questions found in Romans 9 be the kickstarter for your journey to find the answers. Let’s grab hold of both ends of the rope and trust that they connect in heaven.

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Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?

Do we bear responsibility for those unaware of Jesus? We should yearn for the lost to know Him. Despite Israel’s rejection of Christ as the Messiah, God’s Word remains true. He is always just and wise. Rejoice in your salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
