Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?预览

Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?


Are You On The Team?

Does God’s Word ever fail? Has He ever not accomplished what He said He would do? Has the Word of God failed because Israel rejected Jesus? God’s faithfulness and the truth of His word remain intact, even in the face of Israel’s rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. This truth is highlighted in Romans 9:6, which states, “Now it is not as though the word of God has failed, because not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.”

The weight of this section is immense, and it’s crucial to discern that there is a distinction between ethnic Israel and believing Israel. The mere fact of being born in Israel does not guarantee salvation, just as standing in a garage does not make one a car. Instead, there must be a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, as it is written in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

As a native Houstonian and avid Astros fan, I have attended countless games; purchased hats, shirts, and pennants; and even thrown out the first pitch on behalf of our church. Despite my love for the Astros, I am not on the team because I have never signed a contract with them. Similarly, being in proximity to the things of God, attending church, and even possessing Christian merchandise do not guarantee salvation. Just as a contractual relationship between a baseball player and a team must be signed and sealed, a covenant relationship between an individual and Jesus must be established, one that is signed in His blood and sealed by faith.

As we contemplate the question of Israel’s rejection of Jesus, let us be mindful that the answer lies not in ethnicity or proximity, but in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just as Isaac was a miraculous, supernatural birth, in contrast to Ishmael’s natural birth, so too must we be born again, supernaturally and miraculously, through faith in Jesus Christ. May we never settle for a superficial relationship with God. Instead, let us seek a deep and lasting covenant relationship with Him, for in Him alone do we find salvation and eternal life.

Do you think God has failed you? Do you feel like God gave up on you because you didn’t do something? Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Take some time to pray right now and ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you.

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Good Questions: Do We Have a Choice?

Do we bear responsibility for those unaware of Jesus? We should yearn for the lost to know Him. Despite Israel’s rejection of Christ as the Messiah, God’s Word remains true. He is always just and wise. Rejoice in your salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
