A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus预览

A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus


I Need a Hero

The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people.
Mark 10:45 (CEV)

What is a slave? It can mean someone who is forced to work for someone else, which is a bad thing. But sometimes we can choose to serve or help others.

Do you know who shows us how to serve the best? Jesus. He came to serve us. He knew we all needed to be rescued or saved. But…rescued from what?

Humans chose not to listen to God and to do wrong things. But since God is perfect, that means we could not be with him anymore. God did not want that to happen because he loves us and wants to be with us!

God sent his son, Jesus, to help us. When Jesus was killed on the cross, he rescued us because he took our place. Because of this, if we believe in him, we can really know him and get to be with him forever in heaven. Jesus is our true hero!


Think of someone who is really good at serving others. Design and color a superhero cape for them. This week, tell them “Thank you” for all they do!


Cattle egrets are tall, thin, white birds that hang out around cows or horses in the pasture. They serve the animals by eating ticks and other bugs off them. The animals serve the birds by stirring up the bugs when they walk in the grass so the birds can find them (for lunch!).


Related passages: These additional verses will help your children expand Scriptural knowledge and put on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Isaiah 53:10

Daniel 12:2

John 10:14-15

Philippians 2:6-8

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A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus

Your child is God's Masterpiece and He wants to show them how to follow Jesus. In this 6-day devotional, designed specially for parents to read with your children age 3-7, you'll help you children discover their unique design through God's Word. Help your children to know the goodness and nearness of Jesus today!
