A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus预览

A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus


Doing Good

I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.
John 15:5 (CEV)

Take a nice, long, deep breath.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Did you know that every time you breathe, hundreds of things work just right in your body? Your nose hairs must catch dust and dirt to keep it out of your body (and then it makes boogers with it!). Your throat must be clear of milk or juice (otherwise they will come out of your nose!). Your lungs must fill up like a big balloon. The muscle above your stomach must move to make room. Your blood rushes by the lungs to pick up what it needs out of the air to help keep you healthy.

Wow! It’s a miracle just to breathe.

Our bodies can’t work well without God’s help. In the same way, we can’t do good things without Jesus’s help. When we ask Jesus to lead our lives, he changes what we want to do. When we keep following Jesus, listen to him, and do what he says, he will help us do good things!


It’s important to stay connected to Jesus so he can use you to do great things! You can stay close to Jesus by reading the Bible and praying. Tell Jesus how great he is and how much you need him today!


What’s the biggest living thing on earth? A mushroom! Although the honey mushrooms in Oregon look small, they are all connected as one fungus that stretches nearly four miles long!


Related passages: These additional verses will help your children expand Scriptural knowledge and put on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Psalm 51:10

Ezekiel 36:26–27

John 15:13

1 Corinthians 13:3


This devotional was written by Tonia Gutting for the Hero Squad Program of the American Bible Society. Hero Squad provides complimentary faith-based resources to strengthen and encourage Military families through God’s Word. For more information or to enroll your Military family, check out our website.www.myherosquad.org.

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A Child's Guide To: Following Jesus

Your child is God's Masterpiece and He wants to show them how to follow Jesus. In this 6-day devotional, designed specially for parents to read with your children age 3-7, you'll help you children discover their unique design through God's Word. Help your children to know the goodness and nearness of Jesus today!
