The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses预览

The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses


God Came Down

Invitation to SELAH

Before you spend time face-to-face with God today, take some time to SELAH (Stop, Exhale, Lean In, Ask & Hear).


God declared that He had come down to rescue His people from the nation of Egypt and He is going to give them a new land to live away from the oppression of Egypt. God doesn’t resolve our problems by waving a magic wand while staying comfortable in heaven. He comes down to rescue us. As we continue reading through Exodus, we will see how God did this. However, we would be missing the point if we didn’t talk about how God truly came down to the world to save humanity from our great enemies—sin and death.

The Bible talks about how God put on flesh and made His home among us in the person of Jesus. Jesus didn’t solve the problem by staying in heaven; He solved the problem by coming down and stepping into our mess. That is the God we serve. Today, you are in need of rescue, and today, God wants to remind you that He came down to set you free. When was the last time you took time to remember the amazing work of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension into Heaven?


After you've read the passage today grab a journal or open your notes. Take some time to reflect on today’s reading. Use the SOAP acronym to help you engage. (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer).

  • Scripture - What did you read?
  • Observation - What did you learn?
  • Application - What will you do?
  • Prayer - Write out a prayer talking to God like a friend.

Additional Reading Suggestions:

Read John 1:1-5.

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The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses

The story of Moses and the story of Israel in the first few chapters of Exodus are a clear picture of our lives as well. In this reading plan you'll begin to see yourself in the story of Moses.
