The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses预览

The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses


Who Am I?

Invitation to SELAH

Before you spend time face-to-face with God today, take some time to SELAH (Stop, Exhale, Lean In, Ask & Hear).


Shame is a messy thing. Guilt turns to shame when we go from feeling bad about something we did and begin to believe that deep down, there is something intrinsically wrong with us. Now, the truth is that if you do not have Jesus in your life, there is something deeply wrong with you—it is the stain of sin. Shame is most dangerous when we allow its roots to grow deep within us even after we have been marked with grace and made new in Christ Jesus. Moses asked a question many of us ask when we begin to question God’s call in our lives. “Who am I?” Moses questioned his ability to go before Pharaoh and lead the Israelites. Maybe he appreciated the offer, but just doesn’t think he is good enough to do it.

The Bible is clear in answer to the question, Who am I? Who you are is not who you were. Who you are is not what you’ve done. If you have trusted in Jesus and been baptized, then the answer to Who Am I is met with a resounding answer from all of heaven: you are a child of God. What are some false identities you have allowed shame to make you believe about yourself?


After you've read the passage today grab a journal or open your notes. Take some time to reflect on today’s reading. Use the SOAP acronym to help you engage. (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer).

  • Scripture - What did you read?
  • Observation - What did you learn?
  • Application - What will you do? Prayer - Write out a prayer talking to God like a friend.

Additional Reading Suggestions:

Read Romans 6:1-7 and John 15:15. Reach out to a friend and discuss today’s devotional. Share with each other some of the things God is teaching you.

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The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses

The story of Moses and the story of Israel in the first few chapters of Exodus are a clear picture of our lives as well. In this reading plan you'll begin to see yourself in the story of Moses.
