"Die Ander Ses" Oordenking ReeksVoorbeeld
Personal Time with God // Section 2: Worship
This Psalm is a great example of where our praise ought to take us – that no one else is worthy of our trust but God. Reflecting on God’s greatness and the wickedness and mortality of man causes us to put our trust back in God, the only one who can truly offer us hope. This is what separates us from the world: we've reached a point where we realize what terrible condition mankind is in, but we also realize how vast and great God's love is. His faithfulness shines in a dark world filled with selfishness and hurt.
Practical Steps: Make this Psalm your prayer this morning and remind your souls that God is the only one who can give us true hope.
Aangaande hierdie leesplan
Hierdie leesplan van 40 dae is opgestel om Christene leiding te gee oor wat dit beteken om Jesus te volg - nie net op 'n Sondag nie, maar ook op ‘Die Ander Ses’ dae van die week.