Akara Njirimara YouVersion
Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

Ụdị Nsụgharị Gasị Akwụkwọ Nsọ

इंडियन रिवाइज्ड वर्जन (IRV) हिंदी - 2019


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Note that in addition to the rules above, revising and adapting God's Word involves a great responsibility to be true to God's Word. See Revelation 22:18-19.

YouVersion na-eji kuki gasị iji hazie ahụmịhe gị. Site na iji webụsaịtị anyị eme ihe, ị na-anabata ojiji kuki anyị gasị dịka akọwara na Iwu Anyị Mebere Banyere Ihe Ndị Ahụ Gbasara Ndụ Ndị Mmadụ Nke Ha Na-Achọghị Ka Ọha Mara